Oregon Motor Fuel

Agvance makes the following assumptions as the documents are created in the Agvance Motor Fuel module: 

  • The user is only able to reconcile within the current fiscal year and is not allowed to link to a prior year to reconcile. 
  • When setting up the schedules, the state abbreviation must precede the schedule number (i.e. Oregon Schedule 5 needs to be setup as OR5). 
  • If multiple schedules have the same number (i.e. Schedule 1 and Schedule 1H), the schedule with no letter following the number must have an ‘R’ entered after the number (i.e. Oregon Schedule 1 is setup as OR1R) 

Product Codes  

Oregon is a Uniformity State and must conform to the requirements set by the Uniformity States. Since the program must have the ability to report to Uniformity States, the product types used will be the Uniformity fuel codes listed below, along with which reports support which schedules. 

Use Fuel Seller Tax Report 

Product TypeProduct Description




Natural Gasoline 


Kerosene - Dyed 


Undefined Products 




All Other Blending Components 


Kerosene – Undyed 


Diesel - Undyed 


Biodiesel - Undyed (non UCO) 


Biodiesel - Dyed (non UCO) 


Residual Fuel Oil 


Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 


Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) 


Diesel - Dyed 

Motor Vehicle Fuel and Aircraft Dealer Tax Report

Product TypeProduct Description




Aviation Gasoline 


Jet Fuel 


Ethanol (100%) 


Gasoline Eth-Blended 


Gasoline Eth-Blended Flex 


Ethanol (99% Denatured Alcohol) 


The Schedule Codes must be setup in the Schedules List area on the General Info screen in the Motor Fuel module. Below are the tax reports and their corresponding schedules.  

Use Fuel Seller Tax Report 

Schedule CodeSchedule Description 


Schedule of Receipts 


Schedule of Disbursements - Bulk (Taxable) 


Schedule of Disbursements - Cardlock (Taxable) 


Schedule of Disbursements - Bulk (Ex-Tax) 


Schedule of Disbursements - Cardlock (Ex-Tax) 


Schedule of Disbursements - Retail Ex-Tax 




Retail Station Operations - Closing Reading 


Retail Station Operations - Opening Reading 

Note: Schedules ORINT02 and ORINT03 are not currently supported.  

Motor Vehicle Fuel and Aircraft Dealer Tax Report 

Schedule CodeSchedule Description 


Gallons received (state) tax-paid 


Gallons received - county or city tax paid 


Gallons received from licensed dealers tax-unpaid 


Gallons imported direct to customer 


Gallons imported into tax-free storage 


Gallons delivered tax collected 


Fuel distributor subject to local option taxes 


Gallons delivered to licensed dealers tax not collected 


Gallons exported 


Gallons sold for export - originating city and/or county tax paid 


Gallons delivered to U.S. Government tax-exempt 


Tax exempt sales in city jurisdiction 


Tax exempt sales in county jurisdiction 


Gallons delivered to other tax-exempt entities (diplomats) 


Gallons delivered to diplomats 


Product Transfer Disbursement 


Product Transfer Receipt 


Ending Inventory 

Setup General Motor Fuel Information

The General Info area, found at Motor Fuel / Setup / General Info, defines several fields used throughout the program based on the state in which the reports are filed. The area is used to setup the list of Product TypesSchedules ListOrigin Cities, and Modes of Transportation for generating the Motor Fuel schedules. To add an entry to an area on the Setup screen, double-click in an open field and begin typing. Once all of the entries have been made, click Save 

K:\Agvacct\AR Motor Fuel\Oregon\Setup.PNG

Product Types 

The Product Types area is used for the 3-digit Uniformity Code that is defined under the Product Codes section of this document. 

Schedules List 

The Schedules List area is where all Schedules for every type of transaction are added. The type of Schedule on which the product should be included is selected while creating an Invoice.  

Origin Cities 

Origin Cities are the cities or terminals where your fuel originates. Destination Cities may also be entered in this field. These cities will be used during the purchasing and sales processes in Agvance Accounting. 

Modes of Transportation 

The Modes of Transportation area is used to setup the various modes of transportation used to carry the motor fuel. The Mode of Transportation used in transporting the fuel is selected while creating an Invoice or Purchase Invoice. The modes of transportation below are used by Uniformity.  

Mode CodeDefinition / Description 










Ship (ocean marine vessel) 


Removal from Terminal (other than by truck or rail) 

Setup Motor Fuel Products

The Setup Motor Fuel Products screen, found at Motor Fuel / Setup / Motor Fuel Products, is used to classify each Motor Fuel product. The Product Code dropdown list includes the products setup in the General Info area.   

Note: The Product Type column in the Setup Motor Fuel Products window is not used in Oregon. Add on Codes are established at Hub / Setup / Item Group. 

K:\Agvacct\AR Motor Fuel\Oregon\Setup - Motor Fuel Products.PNG 

  1. Double-click an empty field in the Product Name column. 
  2. The Select Products window opens. Select the Motor Fuel product(s) to add, and click Done. The Product NameDept ID, and Prod ID are displayed in the grid.   
    Note: Multiple products may be selected from this window.  
  3. After the product has been entered in the Setup Motor Fuel Products window, select the Product Code. A Product Code must be added to every product selected. Continue these steps until all Motor Fuel products the company reports are setup. 
  4. Select the correct Add on Code based on product location. 
  5. After all of the products have been setup, click Save. The list may also be printed for future reference.    

State of Oregon Setup  

In Motor Fuel / Reports / Oregon, setup for Facility IDs is available.  


Facility IDs 

Click Setup Facility IDs to enter the facility information. 

K:\Agvacct\AR Motor Fuel\Oregon\Facility ID Setup.PNG 

Double-click on Location ID and a new line displays. Choose the Location ID from the drop-down, and the Location Name automatically populates. Enter the corresponding Facility ID and select Save 

How to Run a Report 

The Oregon Reports window is found at Motor Fuel / Reports / Oregon. Reports can be selected to run based on the specified date range and Fiscal Month selected. Enter the path where the reports are to be saved, and enter a file name for each report. 


Create Excel Files for 

When the Oregon Reports window is initially opened, the Motor Vehicle Fuel and Aircraft Fuel Dealer Tax Report is highlighted in blue, indicating that this report will be created. To run both reports, click on the Use Fuel Seller Tax Report to highlight in blue. To deselect a report, select the report and the report will not be created.  

Report Dates 

The Starting DateEnding Date, and Fiscal Month default in as the previous month. These may be manually entered but must agree (i.e. if July is fiscal month 11 and the Starting Date is selected as 07/01/2016 and the Ending Date as 07/31/2016 with the Fiscal Month set to 1, no data displays on the report).  

Note: In order for the previous month defaulting to work, confirm the previous fiscal month has been closed. 

Excel Files Folder 

This indicates the location where the file will be stored. Either type in the path or click on the browse button to the right side of the textbox. A Browse for Files window will open, allowing you to select a place to store the files.  

Note: The path entered defaults the next time the Oregon Reports window is open. This allows the files to easily be stored in one place.  

File Name for Reports 

Choose file names for the reports by typing in the field. It is recommended to use a standard format such as ‘MotorFuel Gas Month Year.csv’ and ‘UseFuelSeller Month Year.csv’ and only switch the month/year in order to have consistency with file names.  

Note: The ‘.csv’ does not have to appear at the end of the file name. It is a helpful reminder because it indicates how the file is stored. In order to upload these files to the state of Oregon, they must first be saved as .xlsx files. Including ‘.csv’ in the file name in the Oregon Reports window indicates to the user to first save the files as .xlsx before uploading the files to the state of Oregon. 

How to Save Files as .xlsx in Excel  

After these reports are created, they may be opened in Excel. Once a report is opened in Excel, go to File / Save As. A drop-down will be populated with CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv). From the drop-down, choose Excel Workbook (*.xlsx). The reports are now ready to be uploaded to the State of Oregon.  

Creating Excel Files 

After all the information in the Oregon Reports window has been entered correctly, select OK to generate the reports. The File created message displays for each file created.  


Select OK to close the window. Open the files located in the path specified in the Excel Files Folder area. To finish the process, complete the steps specified in ‘How to Save Files as .xlsx in Excel.’