Wisconsin Motor Fuel

General information regarding Motor Fuel can be found here.

Supplier and Carrier returns for reporting Wisconsin Motor Fuel using XML files are available. The schedules available for Purchase Invoices are the WI1F, and WITR. The schedules available for Sales Invoices are WI7, WI8, WIOD, WITD, WI10A, WI10B, WI10C, WI10E, WI10G, WI10H, and WI10T. For Sales Invoices with Carrier return, the WIPD schedule is available. Schedule WI7 is the export schedule and its Destination state must be a state other than Wisconsin.

General Requirements

  1. Gasohol must be reported as the percentage of ethanol in the blend, a separate Product and Product Code is used for each Blend percentage.
    Example: E00 is 100% ethanol, E99 is 99% ethanol, etc. This is the same case for methanol. M00 is 100% methanol, M99 is 99% methanol, etc.
  2. A separate Product and Product Code for each blend percentage of Biodiesel (dyed and undyed) must be set up.  
    Example: D00 is 100% dyed biodiesel, D99 is 99% dyed biodiesel, etc.
  3. The Sub Product Code must be used when reporting the Product Code.  Roll-up codes (ie. 228, 160, 124, etc.) are not allowed.  

Overview and Setup General Information

Agvance Motor Fuel has been created so the end user can file and create reports for the state of Wisconsin.   The product codes and fuel types that are used are listed below.

Gasoline Products
065 Gasoline
123 Alcohol
124 Gasohol
241 Ethanol-Alcohol

Undyed Diesel Products
161 Diesel Undyed #1
167 Diesel Undyed #2
Other Fuel Products
073 Kerosene Low Sulfur Dyed
074 Kerosene High Sulfur Dyed
122 Blending Components Other
125 Aviation Gasoline
130 Jet Fuel
145 Kerosene Low Sulfur Undyed
147 Kerosene High Sulfur Undyed
175 Residual Fuel Oil
226 Diesel High Sulfur Dyed
227 Diesel Low Sulfur #2 Dyed
231 Diesel Low Sulfur #1 Dyed

Agvance will make the following assumptions as the documents are created in the Agvance Motor Fuel module.

  • The Motor Fuel Tax screens are available whether products are setup.  However, only the products that are setup in Motor Fuel / Setup / Motor Fuel Products will be displayed in preview grids or on reports.
  • If a customer lives in Illinois but has a Wisconsin address, the destination state for that delivery will be set to Wisconsin unless changed during billing.
  • The user will only be able to reconcile within the current fiscal year.  The user is not allowed to link to a prior year to reconcile.

Agvance Motor Fuel supports the following reports.  The Schedules of Transactions must be setup in the Schedule List under Setup / General Info on the Setup screen in the Motor Fuel module.

  • TD – Terminal Disbursements from IRS registered terminal  
  • OD – Other disbursements or sales for import from non IRS registered terminal
  • 1F – WI tax paid gallons delivered to a WI IRS registered terminal or alcohol plant
  • 7 – Exports-Tax paid gas, clear diesel or other products delivered outside Wisconsin
  • 8 – Sales to US Government-tax paid gas & diesel sold to US Government
  • 10A – Non-highway use-tax paid gasoline sold to exempt customer for off road use
  • 10B – General Aviation-tax paid gasoline sold to licensed aviation fuel dealers/users
  • 10C – Urban Mass Transit-tax paid fuel sold for urban mass transportation
  • 10E – Bad Debts-tax paid fuel purchased by customer now representing uncollectible WI motor fuel taxes
  • 10G – Trains-tax paid clear diesel sold for use in trains
  • 10H – Heating Oil-tax paid clear diesel sold to exempt customers for heating oil
  • 10T – Native Americans-tax paid fuels sold to Native Americans
  • PD – Petroleum Deliveries-Carrier report of each delivery via highway, pipeline, waterway.
  • TR – Terminal Receipts-Nontaxable receipts into IRS registered terminal

Wisconsin Combined Monthly Fuel Summary Report                   Form MF002

State of Wisconsin Setup

In Accounting / AR / Motor Fuel / Reports / Wisconsin, there are specific setups that are unique to the State of Wisconsin.  

Prior to creating the XML files, set up the Company Licenses, Customer Licenses, Tax Rates Setup, and XML Setup in this area.

Company Licenses

  1. Select the Type of Tax ID.
    1. FEIN
    2. SSN
  2. Enter the Tax ID: FEIN/SSN. (Limited to 9 characters)
  3. Enter the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax License number.
  4. Choose the Organization Type
    1. Individual
    2. Partnership
    3. Wisconsin corporation
    4. Out-of-state corporation
    5. Other
  5. Enter the Date of Incorporation.
  6. Select Save.

Customer Licenses

The Customer Licenses Setup window is used to setup license numbers for the customers.

To add a license for a customer, double-click on Customer Name.  Select the customer(s) from the Select Customers list and choose Done.  Select Save when finished.    

Tax Rates Setup

The Tax Rates Setup window is used to setup tax rates for use on the Motor Fuel Tax Reports.  Rates and percentages are subject to change so input fields are allowed.  The ability to change these rates allows Agvance to be flexible if the percentages change at any time. 

Fill in each of the fields for the three Rates and select Save.

Note: See the Wisconsin Motor Fuel Tax website to verify the motor fuel rates.

XML Setup

Select the XML Setup button to establish information about the business that will be transferred along with the tax reports filed for the XML file. The fields will default to information entered during the initial Agvance setup.

Note: All required fields are denoted with an asterisk.


The schedules that Agvance creates can be turned in as your official paperwork to the State of Wisconsin.  Select a Starting Date, Ending Date, and Fiscal Month for the date ranges of the reports.

Schedules of Transactions

There are fourteen Schedules of Transactions.  Each Schedule Type and Fuel Type is used to report a single type of fuel on it's own Schedule of Transactions.  If multiple types of fuel are received, then multiple copies of the schedule will be printed.  Mandatory fields include Schedule TypeProduct TypeTransportation ModeOriginCarrier NameDestinationBill of Lading NumberTransaction DateNet GallonsGross Gallons and Billed Gallons.  

  • Company Name
  • Enter Your FEIN – From License/Tax ID Setup
  • Report for Month Ended/Year – CCYYMMDD of the End Date from Reports screen

Schedule Type

  • Schedule Type – From purinvdt.PiDtMFSched or Invli.MFSched
    Note: If a Schedule 7, display the state from Invli.MFDestSt
  • Product Type – From MFProds.ProdType for Product in invli or purinvdt
  • Transportation Mode – From PurInvDT.PiDtMFMot or Invoice.MFMOT
  • Origin (IRS Terminal ID or State) – PurInvDT.PiDtMFOrgSt or Invoice.MFOrgSt
  • Position Holder (FEIN/SSN)        
  • Consigner (FEIN/SSN)            
  • Carrier (FEIN/SSN) – Vend1099.taxid for PurInvDT.PiDTMFFreightVendID (decryption required) or Invoice.MFCarrierFEIN
  • Buyer/Consignee (FEIN/SSN)        
  • Destination (IRS Terminal ID or State) – PurInvDT.PiDtMFDestSt or Invoice.MFDestSt

Bill of Lading

  • (1) Number – PurInvDt.TickNum or Invoice.InvNum
  • (2) Date – PurInvDt.PiDtMFBillofLad or Invoice.InvDate
  • (3) Net Gallons – PurInvDt.PiDtMFNetGal or Invli.MFNetGal
  • (4) Gross Gallons – PurInvDt.PiDtMFGrossGal or Invli.MFGrossGal
  • (5) Billed Gallons – PurInvDt.Quantity or Invli.InvAmt

Schedule Type TD – Disbursements from an IRS Registered Terminal

  • Taxable – from an IRS registered terminal and the destination state on the manifest is Wisconsin.
  • Nontaxable – from a Wisconsin IRS registered terminal and the destination state on the manifest is a location outside Wisconsin.

Schedule Type OD – Other Disbursements for Import from Non IRS Terminal

  • Disbursements or sales for import from locations other than an IRS registered terminal and the destination state on the manifest is a location outside Wisconsin.  

Schedule Type1F – Wisconsin Tax Paid Gallons to IRS Registered Terminal

  • Gallons on which Wisconsin tax has been paid and delivered to a Wisconsin IRS registered terminal or alcohol plant.

Schedule Type 7 – Exports

  • Tax paid gasoline, undyed diesel fuel or other products sold/delivered for export outside Wisconsin and the destination state on the manifest/invoice is a location outside Wisconsin.

Schedule Type 8 –Sales to US Government

  • Tax paid gasoline, undyed diesel fuel, or other products sold/delivered to the US Government or its agencies tax-exempt. 

Schedule Type 10A – Non Highway Use

  • Tax paid gasoline sold/delivered to exempt customers in an amount not less than 100 gallons for off-road use.  

Schedule Type 10B – General Aviation Fuel Use

  • Tax paid gasoline sold/delivered to licensed general aviation fuel dealers/users in an amount not less than 100 gallon for use in aircraft.

Schedule Type 10C – Urban Mass Transit

  • Tax paid gasoline and undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to a common carrier for urban mass transportation in Wisconsin.

Schedule Type 10E – Bad Debts

  • Tax paid gasoline and undyed diesel fuel purchased by customers and now represents uncollectible Wisconsin motor vehicle fuel taxes.

Schedule Type 10G – Trains

  • Tax paid undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to exempt customers for use in trains.  

Schedule Type 10H – Heating Oil

  • Tax paid undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to exempt customers for use as a heating oil. 

Schedule Type 10T– Native Americans

  • Tax paid gasoline and undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to a Native American tribal council on a reservation or trust lands in Wisconsin for use in their vehicles.

Schedule Type PD – Petroleum Deliveries

  • Carrier reporting of each delivery of petroleum products made during the month via Wisconsin highways, pipelines, railroads and waterways. 

Schedule Type TR – Terminal Receipts

  • Carrier reporting of each delivery of petroleum products made during the month via Wisconsin highways, pipelines, railroads and waterways. 

Schedule and Mode Codes

Schedule Codes for Various Types of Transactions

Schedule Code

MF License Required




Product on which Wisconsin tax and/or fees have been paid and delivered to position holder storage at a Wisconsin IRS registered terminal.



Origin state tax-paid gasoline, undyed diesel fuel, or other products sold/delivered for export/import where the destination state on the manifest/invoice is a location different than the origin state.



Tax-paid gasoline, undyed diesel fuel, or other products sold/delivered to the U.S. Government or its agencies tax-exempt.



Other disbursements or sales for import from locations other than an IRS registered terminal and placed in a delivery truck or transport whose destination on the manifest is Wisconsin



Product delivered to or withdrawn from an IRS registered terminal. In addition, it includes any cross line activity originating from facilities other than IRS terminals.


Terminal Operator, Supplier

Taxable and Non-Taxable disbursements from an IRS registered terminal and the destination state on the manifest is Wisconsin.


Terminal Operator

Product delivered to a Wisconsin IRS registered terminal.



Tax-paid gasoline sold/delivered to exempt customers in amount not less than 100 gallons for off-road use.



Tax-paid gasoline sold/delivered to licensed general aviation fuel dealers/users in an amount not less than 100 gallons for use in aircraft.



Tax-paid gasoline and undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to a common carrier for urban mass transportation in Wisconsin.



Product delivered to customers representing uncollectible motor fuel vehicle fuel taxes.



Tax-paid undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to exempt customers for use in trains.



Tax-paid undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to exempt customers for use as heating oil.



Tax-paid gasoline and undyed diesel fuel sold/delivered to a Tribal council on a reservation in Wisconsin for use in their vehicles.

Mode of Transportation Codes

Transportation Modes



Transport Truck










Removed from a Terminal at an Airport


Gas Station


Book Adjustment

Allowable Schedule/Schedule Code and Mode Code Combinations

Schedule Schedule Code Mode



J, PL, R



B, J, R, RT, S


J, PL, R


J, R












J, R





Terminal Operator


B, BA, J, PL, R, RT, S



B, BA, J, PL,R, S



B, J, PL, R, S

Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Product Codes

Agvance Motor Fuel has been created so the end user can file and create reports for the state of Wisconsin.  The product codes and fuel types that are used are listed below.

Prod Codes  Prod Group Prod Code Description Active Date From
1 MVF-NO T/F Crude Oil 10/01/2006 FTA
47 MVF-NO T/F Butane Propane Mix 10/01/2002 FTA
52 MVF-NO T/F Ethane 10/01/2002 FTA
54 MVF-NO T/F Propane 10/01/2002 FTA
55 MVF-NO T/F Butane 10/01/2002 FTA
58 MVF-NO T/F Isobutane 10/01/2002 FTA
59 MVF-NO T/F Pentanes 10/01/2002 FTA
61 MVF-GAS Natural Gasoline 09/01/2005 FTA
62 MVF-NO T/F Isopentane 10/01/2002 FTA
65 MVF-GAS Gasoline 10/01/2002 FTA
71 MVF-GAS Gasoline MTBE 10/01/2002 FTA
72 MVF-OTHER Dyed Kerosene All 01/01/1980 FTA
73 MVF-OTHER Dyed Kerosene Low Sulfur 01/01/1980 FTA
74 MVF-OTHER Dyed Kerosene High Sulfur 01/01/1980 FTA
75 MVF-NO T/F Propylene 01/01/1980 FTA
76 MVF-NO T/F Xylene 01/01/1980 FTA
77 MVF-NO T/F Excluded Liquid 01/01/1980 FTA
78 MVF-GAS E-75 01/01/1980 FTA
79 MVF-GAS E-85 01/01/1980 FTA
90 MVF-OTHER Additive Misc 01/01/1980 FTA
91 MVF-NO T/F Waste Oil 01/01/1980 FTA
92 MVF-NO T/F Undefined Product 01/01/1980 FTA
93 MVF-GAS MTBE 01/01/1980 FTA
100 MVF-OTHER Transmix 01/01/1980 FTA
121 MVF-NO T/F Tame 01/01/1980 FTA
122 MVF-OTHER Blending Components Other 10/01/2002 FTA
123 MVF-GAS Alcohol 01/01/1980 FTA
124 MVF-GAS Gasohol All 10/01/2002 FTA
125 MVF-OTHER Aviation Gasoline 10/01/2002 FTA
126 MVF-GAS Naphtha 01/01/1980 FTA
130 MVF-OTHER Jet Fuel 10/01/2002 FTA
139 MVF-GAS Gasohol 10% 01/01/1980 FTA
140 MVF-GAS Gasohol 5.7% 01/01/1980 FTA
141 MVF-GAS Gasohol 7.7% 01/01/1980 FTA
142 MVF-OTHER Undyed Kerosene All 01/01/1980 FTA
145 MVF-OTHER Undyed Kerosene Low Sulfur 01/01/1980 FTA
147 MVF-OTHER Undyed Kerosene High Sulfur 01/01/1980 FTA
150 MVF-DIESEL Undyed Fuel Oil #1 01/01/1980 FTA
152 MVF-OTHER Heating Oil 10/01/2002 FTA
153 MVF-NO T/F Dyed Diesel #4 01/01/1980 FTA
154 MVF-NO T/F Undyed Diesel #4 01/01/1980 FTA
160 MVF-DIESEL Undyed Diesel All 01/01/1980 FTA
161 MVF-DIESEL Undyed Diesel #1 Low Sulfur 01/01/1980 FTA
167 MVF-DIESEL Undyed Diesel #2 Low Sulfur 10/01/2002 FTA
170 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 09/01/2005 FTA
171 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 09/01/2005 FTA
175 MVF-NO T/F Residual Fuel 01/01/1980 FTA
188 MVF-NO T/F Asphalt 10/01/2006 FTA
196 MVF-NO T/F Ethylene 10/01/2002 FTA
198 MVF-NO T/F Butylene 10/01/2002 FTA
199 MVF-GAS Toluene 10/01/2002 FTA
223 MVF-GAS Raffinate 10/01/2002 FTA
224 MVF-NO T/F Compressed Natural Gas 10/01/2002 FTA
225 MVF-NO T/F Liquefied Natural Gas 10/01/2002 FTA
226 MVF-OTHER Dyed Diesel High Sulfur 10/01/2002 FTA
227 MVF-OTHER Dyed Diesel Low Sulfur #2 10/01/2002 FTA
228 MVF-OTHER Dyed Diesel All 01/01/1980 FTA
231 MVF-OTHER Dyed Diesel Low Sulfur #1 10/01/2002 FTA
241 MVF-GAS Ethanol 10/01/2002 FTA
243 MVF-GAS Methanol 10/01/2002 FTA
248 MVF-GAS Benzene 01/01/1980 FTA
249 MVF-GAS ETBE 01/01/1980 FTA
259 MVF-NO T/F Hydrogen 10/01/2006 FTA
265 MVF-NO T/F Methane 10/01/2002 FTA
279 MVF-OTHER Marine Diesel Oil 01/01/1980 FTA
280 MVF-OTHER Marine Gas Oil 01/01/1980 FTA
281 MVF-OTHER Mineral Oils 01/01/1980 FTA
282 MVF-DIESEL Undyed Diesel #1 High Sulfur 01/01/1980 FTA
283 MVF-DIESEL Undyed Diesel #2 High Sulfur 01/01/1980 FTA
284 MVF-DIESEL Undyed Bio Diesel 10/01/2002 FTA
285 MVF-DIESEL Soy Oil 10/01/2002 FTA
290 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed (B100) 09/01/2005 FTA
960 MVF-DIESEL Organic Oils 10/01/2006 FTA
B00 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 100% 10/01/2006 FTA
B01 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 1% 10/01/2006 FTA
B02 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 2% 10/01/2006 FTA
B03 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 3% 10/01/2006 FTA
B04 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 4% 10/01/2006 FTA
B05 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 5% 10/01/2006 FTA
B06 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 6% 10/01/2006 FTA
B07 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 7% 10/01/2006 FTA
B08 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 8% 10/01/2006 FTA
B09 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 9% 10/01/2006 FTA
B10 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 10% 10/01/2006 FTA
B11 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 11% 10/01/2006 FTA
B12 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 12% 10/01/2006 FTA
B13 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 13% 10/01/2006 FTA
B14 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 14% 10/01/2006 FTA
B15 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 15% 10/01/2006 FTA
B16 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 16% 10/01/2006 FTA
B17 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 17% 10/01/2006 FTA
B18 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 18% 10/01/2006 FTA
B19 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 19% 10/01/2006 FTA
B20 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 20% 10/01/2006 FTA
B21 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 21% 10/01/2006 FTA
B22 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 22% 10/01/2006 FTA
B23 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 23% 10/01/2006 FTA
B24 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 24% 10/01/2006 FTA
B25 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 25% 10/01/2006 FTA
B26 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 26% 10/01/2006 FTA
B27 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 27% 10/01/2006 FTA
B28 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 28% 10/01/2006 FTA
B29 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 29% 10/01/2006 FTA
B30 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 30% 10/01/2006 FTA
B31 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 31% 10/01/2006 FTA
B32 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 32% 10/01/2006 FTA
B33 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 33% 10/01/2006 FTA
B34 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 34% 10/01/2006 FTA
B35 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 35% 10/01/2006 FTA
B36 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 36% 10/01/2006 FTA
B37 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 37% 10/01/2006 FTA
B38 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 38% 10/01/2006 FTA
B39 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 39% 10/01/2006 FTA
B40 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 40% 10/01/2006 FTA
B41 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 41% 10/01/2006 FTA
B42 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 42% 10/01/2006 FTA
B43 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 43% 10/01/2006 FTA
B44 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 44% 10/01/2006 FTA
B45 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 45% 10/01/2006 FTA
B46 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 46% 10/01/2006 FTA
B47 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 47% 10/01/2006 FTA
B48 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 48% 10/01/2006 FTA
B49 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 49% 10/01/2006 FTA
B50 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 50% 10/01/2006 FTA
B51 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 51% 10/01/2006 FTA
B52 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 52% 10/01/2006 FTA
B53 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 53% 10/01/2006 FTA
B54 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 54% 10/01/2006 FTA
B55 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 55% 10/01/2006 FTA
B56 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 56% 10/01/2006 FTA
B57 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 57% 10/01/2006 FTA
B58 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 58% 10/01/2006 FTA
B59 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 59% 10/01/2006 FTA
B60 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 60% 10/01/2006 FTA
B61 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 61% 10/01/2006 FTA
B62 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 62% 10/01/2006 FTA
B63 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 63% 10/01/2006 FTA
B64 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 64% 10/01/2006 FTA
B65 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 65% 10/01/2006 FTA
B66 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 66% 10/01/2006 FTA
B67 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 67% 10/01/2006 FTA
B68 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 68% 10/01/2006 FTA
B69 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 69% 10/01/2006 FTA
B70 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 70% 10/01/2006 FTA
B71 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 71% 10/01/2006 FTA
B72 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 72% 10/01/2006 FTA
B73 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 73% 10/01/2006 FTA
B74 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 74% 10/01/2006 FTA
B75 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 75% 10/01/2006 FTA
B76 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 76% 10/01/2006 FTA
B77 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 77% 10/01/2006 FTA
B78 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 78% 10/01/2006 FTA
B79 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 79% 10/01/2006 FTA
B80 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 80% 10/01/2006 FTA
B81 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 81% 10/01/2006 FTA
B82 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 82% 10/01/2006 FTA
B83 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 83% 10/01/2006 FTA
B84 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 84% 10/01/2006 FTA
B85 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 85% 10/01/2006 FTA
B86 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 86% 10/01/2006 FTA
B87 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 87% 10/01/2006 FTA
B88 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 88% 10/01/2006 FTA
B89 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 89% 10/01/2006 FTA
B90 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 90% 10/01/2006 FTA
B91 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 91% 10/01/2006 FTA
B92 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 92% 10/01/2006 FTA
B93 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 93% 10/01/2006 FTA
B94 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 94% 10/01/2006 FTA
B95 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 95% 10/01/2006 FTA
B96 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 96% 10/01/2006 FTA
B97 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 97% 10/01/2006 FTA
B98 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 98% 10/01/2006 FTA
B99 MVF-DIESEL Biodiesel - Undyed 99% 10/01/2006 FTA
D00 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 100% 10/01/2006 FTA
D01 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 1% 10/01/2006 FTA
D02 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 2% 10/01/2006 FTA
D03 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 3% 10/01/2006 FTA
D04 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 4% 10/01/2006 FTA
D05 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 5% 10/01/2006 FTA
D06 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 6% 10/01/2006 FTA
D07 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 7% 10/01/2006 FTA
D08 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 8% 10/01/2006 FTA
D09 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 9% 10/01/2006 FTA
D10 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 10% 10/01/2006 FTA
D11 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 11% 10/01/2006 FTA
D12 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 12% 10/01/2006 FTA
D13 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 13% 10/01/2006 FTA
D14 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 14% 10/01/2006 FTA
D15 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 15% 10/01/2006 FTA
D16 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 16% 10/01/2006 FTA
D17 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 17% 10/01/2006 FTA
D18 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 18% 10/01/2006 FTA
D19 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 19% 10/01/2006 FTA
D20 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 20% 10/01/2006 FTA
D21 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 21% 10/01/2006 FTA
D22 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 22% 10/01/2006 FTA
D23 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 23% 10/01/2006 FTA
D24 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 24% 10/01/2006 FTA
D25 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 25% 10/01/2006 FTA
D26 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 26% 10/01/2006 FTA
D27 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 27% 10/01/2006 FTA
D28 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 28% 10/01/2006 FTA
D29 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 29% 10/01/2006 FTA
D30 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 30% 10/01/2006 FTA
D31 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 31% 10/01/2006 FTA
D32 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 32% 10/01/2006 FTA
D33 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 33% 10/01/2006 FTA
D34 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 34% 10/01/2006 FTA
D35 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 35% 10/01/2006 FTA
D36 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 36% 10/01/2006 FTA
D37 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 37% 10/01/2006 FTA
D38 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 38% 10/01/2006 FTA
D39 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 39% 10/01/2006 FTA
D40 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 40% 10/01/2006 FTA
D41 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 41% 10/01/2006 FTA
D42 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 42% 10/01/2006 FTA
D43 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 43% 10/01/2006 FTA
D44 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 44% 10/01/2006 FTA
D45 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 45% 10/01/2006 FTA
D46 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 46% 10/01/2006 FTA
D47 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 47% 10/01/2006 FTA
D48 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 48% 10/01/2006 FTA
D49 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 49% 10/01/2006 FTA
D50 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 50% 10/01/2006 FTA
D51 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 51% 10/01/2006 FTA
D52 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 52% 10/01/2006 FTA
D53 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 53% 10/01/2006 FTA
D54 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 54% 10/01/2006 FTA
D55 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 55% 10/01/2006 FTA
D56 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 56% 10/01/2006 FTA
D57 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 57% 10/01/2006 FTA
D58 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 58% 10/01/2006 FTA
D59 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 59% 10/01/2006 FTA
D60 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 60% 10/01/2006 FTA
D61 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 61% 10/01/2006 FTA
D62 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 62% 10/01/2006 FTA
D63 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 63% 10/01/2006 FTA
D64 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 64% 10/01/2006 FTA
D65 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 65% 10/01/2006 FTA
D66 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 66% 10/01/2006 FTA
D67 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 67% 10/01/2006 FTA
D68 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 68% 10/01/2006 FTA
D69 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 69% 10/01/2006 FTA
D70 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 70% 10/01/2006 FTA
D71 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 71% 10/01/2006 FTA
D72 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 72% 10/01/2006 FTA
D73 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 73% 10/01/2006 FTA
D74 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 74% 10/01/2006 FTA
D75 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 75% 10/01/2006 FTA
D76 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 76% 10/01/2006 FTA
D77 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 77% 10/01/2006 FTA
D78 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 78% 10/01/2006 FTA
D79 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 79% 10/01/2006 FTA
D80 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 80% 10/01/2006 FTA
D81 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 81% 10/01/2006 FTA
D82 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 82% 10/01/2006 FTA
D83 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 83% 10/01/2006 FTA
D84 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 84% 10/01/2006 FTA
D85 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 85% 10/01/2006 FTA
D86 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 86% 10/01/2006 FTA
D87 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 87% 10/01/2006 FTA
D88 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 88% 10/01/2006 FTA
D89 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 89% 10/01/2006 FTA
D90 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 90% 10/01/2006 FTA
D91 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 91% 10/01/2006 FTA
D92 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 92% 10/01/2006 FTA
D93 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 93% 10/01/2006 FTA
D94 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 94% 10/01/2006 FTA
D95 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 95% 10/01/2006 FTA
D96 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 96% 10/01/2006 FTA
D97 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 97% 10/01/2006 FTA
D98 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 98% 10/01/2006 FTA
D99 MVF-OTHER Biodiesel - Dyed 99% 10/01/2006 FTA
E00 MVF-GAS Ethanol 100% 10/01/2006 FTA
E01 MVF-GAS Ethanol 1% 10/01/2006 FTA
E02 MVF-GAS Ethanol 2% 10/01/2006 FTA
E03 MVF-GAS Ethanol 3% 10/01/2006 FTA
E04 MVF-GAS Ethanol 4% 10/01/2006 FTA
E05 MVF-GAS Ethanol 5% 10/01/2006 FTA
E06 MVF-GAS Ethanol 6% 10/01/2006 FTA
E07 MVF-GAS Ethanol 7% 10/01/2006 FTA
E08 MVF-GAS Ethanol 8% 10/01/2006 FTA
E09 MVF-GAS Ethanol 9% 10/01/2006 FTA
E10 MVF-GAS Ethanol 10% 10/01/2006 FTA
E11 MVF-GAS Ethanol 11% 10/01/2006 FTA
E12 MVF-GAS Ethanol 12% 10/01/2006 FTA
E13 MVF-GAS Ethanol 13% 10/01/2006 FTA
E14 MVF-GAS Ethanol 14% 10/01/2006 FTA
E15 MVF-GAS Ethanol 15% 10/01/2006 FTA
E16 MVF-GAS Ethanol 16% 10/01/2006 FTA
E17 MVF-GAS Ethanol 17% 10/01/2006 FTA
E18 MVF-GAS Ethanol 18% 10/01/2006 FTA
E19 MVF-GAS Ethanol 19% 10/01/2006 FTA
E20 MVF-GAS Ethanol 20% 10/01/2006 FTA
E21 MVF-GAS Ethanol 21% 10/01/2006 FTA
E22 MVF-GAS Ethanol 22% 10/01/2006 FTA
E23 MVF-GAS Ethanol 23% 10/01/2006 FTA
E24 MVF-GAS Ethanol 24% 10/01/2006 FTA
E25 MVF-GAS Ethanol 25% 10/01/2006 FTA
E26 MVF-GAS Ethanol 26% 10/01/2006 FTA
E27 MVF-GAS Ethanol 27% 10/01/2006 FTA
E28 MVF-GAS Ethanol 28% 10/01/2006 FTA
E29 MVF-GAS Ethanol 29% 10/01/2006 FTA
E30 MVF-GAS Ethanol 30% 10/01/2006 FTA
E31 MVF-GAS Ethanol 31% 10/01/2006 FTA
E32 MVF-GAS Ethanol 32% 10/01/2006 FTA
E33 MVF-GAS Ethanol 33% 10/01/2006 FTA
E34 MVF-GAS Ethanol 34% 10/01/2006 FTA
E35 MVF-GAS Ethanol 35% 10/01/2006 FTA
E36 MVF-GAS Ethanol 36% 10/01/2006 FTA
E37 MVF-GAS Ethanol 37% 10/01/2006 FTA
E38 MVF-GAS Ethanol 38% 10/01/2006 FTA
E39 MVF-GAS Ethanol 39% 10/01/2006 FTA
E40 MVF-GAS Ethanol 40% 10/01/2006 FTA
E41 MVF-GAS Ethanol 41% 10/01/2006 FTA
E42 MVF-GAS Ethanol 42% 10/01/2006 FTA
E43 MVF-GAS Ethanol 43% 10/01/2006 FTA
E44 MVF-GAS Ethanol 44% 10/01/2006 FTA
E45 MVF-GAS Ethanol 45% 10/01/2006 FTA
E46 MVF-GAS Ethanol 46% 10/01/2006 FTA
E47 MVF-GAS Ethanol 47% 10/01/2006 FTA
E48 MVF-GAS Ethanol 48% 10/01/2006 FTA
E49 MVF-GAS Ethanol 49% 10/01/2006 FTA
E50 MVF-GAS Ethanol 50% 10/01/2006 FTA
E51 MVF-GAS Ethanol 51% 10/01/2006 FTA
E52 MVF-GAS Ethanol 52% 10/01/2006 FTA
E53 MVF-GAS Ethanol 53% 10/01/2006 FTA
E54 MVF-GAS Ethanol 54% 10/01/2006 FTA
E55 MVF-GAS Ethanol 55% 10/01/2006 FTA
E56 MVF-GAS Ethanol 56% 10/01/2006 FTA
E57 MVF-GAS Ethanol 57% 10/01/2006 FTA
E58 MVF-GAS Ethanol 58% 10/01/2006 FTA
E59 MVF-GAS Ethanol 59% 10/01/2006 FTA
E60 MVF-GAS Ethanol 60% 10/01/2006 FTA
E61 MVF-GAS Ethanol 61% 10/01/2006 FTA
E62 MVF-GAS Ethanol 62% 10/01/2006 FTA
E63 MVF-GAS Ethanol 63% 10/01/2006 FTA
E64 MVF-GAS Ethanol 64% 10/01/2006 FTA
E65 MVF-GAS Ethanol 65% 10/01/2006 FTA
E66 MVF-GAS Ethanol 66% 10/01/2006 FTA
E67 MVF-GAS Ethanol 67% 10/01/2006 FTA
E68 MVF-GAS Ethanol 68% 10/01/2006 FTA
E69 MVF-GAS Ethanol 69% 10/01/2006 FTA
E70 MVF-GAS Ethanol 70% 10/01/2006 FTA
E71 MVF-GAS Ethanol 71% 10/01/2006 FTA
E72 MVF-GAS Ethanol 72% 10/01/2006 FTA
E73 MVF-GAS Ethanol 73% 10/01/2006 FTA
E74 MVF-GAS Ethanol 74% 10/01/2006 FTA
E75 MVF-GAS Ethanol 75% 10/01/2006 FTA
E76 MVF-GAS Ethanol 76% 10/01/2006 FTA
E77 MVF-GAS Ethanol 77% 10/01/2006 FTA
E78 MVF-GAS Ethanol 78% 10/01/2006 FTA
E79 MVF-GAS Ethanol 79% 10/01/2006 FTA
E80 MVF-GAS Ethanol 80% 10/01/2006 FTA
E81 MVF-GAS Ethanol 81% 10/01/2006 FTA
E82 MVF-GAS Ethanol 82% 10/01/2006 FTA
E83 MVF-GAS Ethanol 83% 10/01/2006 FTA
E84 MVF-GAS Ethanol 84% 10/01/2006 FTA
E85 MVF-GAS Ethanol 85% 10/01/2006 FTA
E86 MVF-GAS Ethanol 86% 10/01/2006 FTA
E87 MVF-GAS Ethanol 87% 10/01/2006 FTA
E88 MVF-GAS Ethanol 88% 10/01/2006 FTA
E89 MVF-GAS Ethanol 89% 10/01/2006 FTA
E90 MVF-GAS Ethanol 90% 10/01/2006 FTA
E91 MVF-GAS Ethanol 91% 10/01/2006 FTA
E92 MVF-GAS Ethanol 92% 10/01/2006 FTA
E93 MVF-GAS Ethanol 93% 10/01/2006 FTA
E94 MVF-GAS Ethanol 94% 10/01/2006 FTA
E95 MVF-GAS Ethanol 95% 10/01/2006 FTA
E96 MVF-GAS Ethanol 96% 10/01/2006 FTA
E97 MVF-GAS Ethanol 97% 10/01/2006 FTA
E98 MVF-GAS Ethanol 98% 10/01/2006 FTA
E99 MVF-GAS Ethanol 99% 10/01/2006 FTA
M00 MVF-GAS Methanol 100% 10/01/2006 FTA
M01 MVF-GAS Methanol 1% 10/01/2006 FTA
M02 MVF-GAS Methanol 2% 10/01/2006 FTA
M03 MVF-GAS Methanol 3% 10/01/2006 FTA
M04 MVF-GAS Methanol 4% 10/01/2006 FTA
M05 MVF-GAS Methanol 5% 10/01/2006 FTA
M06 MVF-GAS Methanol 6% 10/01/2006 FTA
M07 MVF-GAS Methanol 7% 10/01/2006 FTA
M08 MVF-GAS Methanol 8% 10/01/2006 FTA
M09 MVF-GAS Methanol 9% 10/01/2006 FTA
M10 MVF-GAS Methanol 10% 10/01/2006 FTA
M11 MVF-GAS Methanol 11% 10/01/2006 FTA
M12 MVF-GAS Methanol 12% 10/01/2006 FTA
M13 MVF-GAS Methanol 13% 10/01/2006 FTA
M14 MVF-GAS Methanol 14% 10/01/2006 FTA
M15 MVF-GAS Methanol 15% 10/01/2006 FTA
M16 MVF-GAS Methanol 16% 10/01/2006 FTA
M17 MVF-GAS Methanol 17% 10/01/2006 FTA
M18 MVF-GAS Methanol 18% 10/01/2006 FTA
M19 MVF-GAS Methanol 19% 10/01/2006 FTA
M20 MVF-GAS Methanol 20% 10/01/2006 FTA
M21 MVF-GAS Methanol 21% 10/01/2006 FTA
M22 MVF-GAS Methanol 22% 10/01/2006 FTA
M23 MVF-GAS Methanol 23% 10/01/2006 FTA
M24 MVF-GAS Methanol 24% 10/01/2006 FTA
M25 MVF-GAS Methanol 25% 10/01/2006 FTA
M26 MVF-GAS Methanol 26% 10/01/2006 FTA
M27 MVF-GAS Methanol 27% 10/01/2006 FTA
M28 MVF-GAS Methanol 28% 10/01/2006 FTA
M29 MVF-GAS Methanol 29% 10/01/2006 FTA
M30 MVF-GAS Methanol 30% 10/01/2006 FTA
M31 MVF-GAS Methanol 31% 10/01/2006 FTA
M32 MVF-GAS Methanol 32% 10/01/2006 FTA
M33 MVF-GAS Methanol 33% 10/01/2006 FTA
M34 MVF-GAS Methanol 34% 10/01/2006 FTA
M35 MVF-GAS Methanol 35% 10/01/2006 FTA
M36 MVF-GAS Methanol 36% 10/01/2006 FTA
M37 MVF-GAS Methanol 37% 10/01/2006 FTA
M38 MVF-GAS Methanol 38% 10/01/2006 FTA
M39 MVF-GAS Methanol 39% 10/01/2006 FTA
M40 MVF-GAS Methanol 40% 10/01/2006 FTA
M41 MVF-GAS Methanol 41% 10/01/2006 FTA
M42 MVF-GAS Methanol 42% 10/01/2006 FTA
M43 MVF-GAS Methanol 43% 10/01/2006 FTA
M44 MVF-GAS Methanol 44% 10/01/2006 FTA
M45 MVF-GAS Methanol 45% 10/01/2006 FTA
M46 MVF-GAS Methanol 46% 10/01/2006 FTA
M47 MVF-GAS Methanol 47% 10/01/2006 FTA
M48 MVF-GAS Methanol 48% 10/01/2006 FTA
M49 MVF-GAS Methanol 49% 10/01/2006 FTA
M50 MVF-GAS Methanol 50% 10/01/2006 FTA
M51 MVF-GAS Methanol 51% 10/01/2006 FTA
M52 MVF-GAS Methanol 52% 10/01/2006 FTA
M53 MVF-GAS Methanol 53% 10/01/2006 FTA
M54 MVF-GAS Methanol 54% 10/01/2006 FTA
M55 MVF-GAS Methanol 55% 10/01/2006 FTA
M56 MVF-GAS Methanol 56% 10/01/2006 FTA
M57 MVF-GAS Methanol 57% 10/01/2006 FTA
M58 MVF-GAS Methanol 58% 10/01/2006 FTA
M59 MVF-GAS Methanol 59% 10/01/2006 FTA
M60 MVF-GAS Methanol 60% 10/01/2006 FTA
M61 MVF-GAS Methanol 61% 10/01/2006 FTA
M62 MVF-GAS Methanol 62% 10/01/2006 FTA
M63 MVF-GAS Methanol 63% 10/01/2006 FTA
M64 MVF-GAS Methanol 64% 10/01/2006 FTA
M65 MVF-GAS Methanol 65% 10/01/2006 FTA
M66 MVF-GAS Methanol 66% 10/01/2006 FTA
M67 MVF-GAS Methanol 67% 10/01/2006 FTA
M68 MVF-GAS Methanol 68% 10/01/2006 FTA
M69 MVF-GAS Methanol 69% 10/01/2006 FTA
M70 MVF-GAS Methanol 70% 10/01/2006 FTA
M71 MVF-GAS Methanol 71% 10/01/2006 FTA
M72 MVF-GAS Methanol 72% 10/01/2006 FTA
M73 MVF-GAS Methanol 73% 10/01/2006 FTA
M74 MVF-GAS Methanol 74% 10/01/2006 FTA
M75 MVF-GAS Methanol 75% 10/01/2006 FTA
M76 MVF-GAS Methanol 76% 10/01/2006 FTA
M77 MVF-GAS Methanol 77% 10/01/2006 FTA
M78 MVF-GAS Methanol 78% 10/01/2006 FTA
M79 MVF-GAS Methanol 79% 10/01/2006 FTA
M80 MVF-GAS Methanol 80% 10/01/2006 FTA
M81 MVF-GAS Methanol 81% 10/01/2006 FTA
M82 MVF-GAS Methanol 82% 10/01/2006 FTA
M83 MVF-GAS Methanol 83% 10/01/2006 FTA
M84 MVF-GAS Methanol 84% 10/01/2006 FTA
M85 MVF-GAS Methanol 85% 10/01/2006 FTA
M86 MVF-GAS Methanol 86% 10/01/2006 FTA
M87 MVF-GAS Methanol 87% 10/01/2006 FTA
M88 MVF-GAS Methanol 88% 10/01/2006 FTA
M89 MVF-GAS Methanol 89% 10/01/2006 FTA
M90 MVF-GAS Methanol 90% 10/01/2006 FTA
M91 MVF-GAS Methanol 91% 10/01/2006 FTA
M92 MVF-GAS Methanol 92% 10/01/2006 FTA
M93 MVF-GAS Methanol 93% 10/01/2006 FTA
M94 MVF-GAS Methanol 94% 10/01/2006 FTA
M95 MVF-GAS Methanol 95% 10/01/2006 FTA
M96 MVF-GAS Methanol 96% 10/01/2006 FTA
M97 MVF-GAS Methanol 97% 10/01/2006 FTA
M98 MVF-GAS Methanol 98% 10/01/2006 FTA
M99 MVF-GAS Methanol 99% 10/01/2006 FTA

Wisconsin Combined Monthly Fuel Summary Report

The Wisconsin Combined Monthly Fuel Summary Report is used to report monthly summary of all taxable and nontaxable purchases and sales of gasoline, undyed diesel and other fuels.  The totals from the Schedules of Transactions are reported on this return.  The return does require the user input if the report requires a late filing or has no activity to report for the month. The return is divided into five sections.  

Section A 

Company legal information.

  • Legal Name
  • Mailing Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Federal Employer ID No./Social Security No. – From License and Tax ID setup window
  • Type of Organization – From License and Tax ID setup window
  • Wisconsin County of Business Location
  • Report for month ending – From the End date on the Reports window

Section B

Contains Motor Fuel Suppliers Report.  It displays information for three types of fuels (gasoline, undyed diesel and other fuels).

Fuel Disbursements in Gross Gallons

  • Line 1 – Fuel originating from IRS Registered Terminals (Schedule TD)
    • Line 1, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule TD for Product Type 065
    • Line 1, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule TD for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 1, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule TD for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 2 – Fuel originating from locations other than IRS Registered Terminals (Schedule OD)
    • Line 2, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule OD for Product Type 065
    • Line 2, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule OD forProduct Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 2, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule OD for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 3 – Subtotals (add lines 1 and 2 in each column)
    • Line 3, Column Gasoline – (Line 1, Column 1) + (Line 2, Column 1)
    • Line 3, Column Undyed Diesel – (Line 1, Column 2) + (Line 2, Column 2)
    • Line 3, Column Other Fuels – (Line 1, Column 3) + (Line 2, Column 3)
  • Line 4 – Tax & fee paid fuel delivered to IRS Registered Terminal
    • Line 4, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 1F for Product Type 065
    • Line 4, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 1F for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 4, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule 1F for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 5 – Tax & fee paid fuel exported from Wisconsin (Schedule 7)
    • Line 5, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 7 for Product Type 065
    • Line 5, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 7 for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 5, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule 7 for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 6 – Tax & fee paid fuel sold to the US Government (Schedule 8)
    • Line 6, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 8 for Product Type 065
    • Line 6, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 8 for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 6, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule 8 for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 7 – Subtotals
    • Line 7, Column Gasoline – (Line 4, Column 1) + (Line 5, Column 1) + (Line 6, Column 1)
    • Line 7, Column Undyed Diesel – (Line 4, Column 2) + (Line 5, Column 2) + (Line 6, Column 2)
    • Line 7, Column Other Fuels – (Line 4, Column 3) + (Line 5, Column 3) + (Line 6, Column 3)
  • Line 8 – Gallons subject to the Petroleum Inspection Fee (Line 3 - Line 7)
    • Line 8, Column Gasoline – (Line 3, Column 1) – (Line 7, Column 1)
    • Line 8, Column Undyed Diesel – (Line 3, Column 2) – (Line 7, Column 2)
    • Line 8, Column Other Fuels – (Line 3, Column 3) – (Line 7, Column 3)
  • Line 9 – Tax & fee paid gasoline sold exempt for off-road use (Schedule 10A)
    • Line 9, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 10A for Product Type 065
  • Line 10 – Tax & fee paid gasoline sold exempt to aviation fuel dealers (Schedule 10A)
    • Line 10, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 10B for Product Type 065
  • Line 11 – Tax & fee paid fuel sold exempt for urban mass transit (Schedule 10C)
    • Line 11, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 10C for Product Type 065
    • Line 11, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 10C for Product Type 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 12, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 10E for Product Type 065
    • Line 12, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 10E for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 12, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule 10E for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 13, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 10G for Product Type 065
    • Line 13, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 10G for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 13, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule 10G for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 14, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 10H for Product Type 065
    • Line 14, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 10H for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 14, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule 10H for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 15, Column Gasoline – Total gallons from Schedule 10T for Product Type 065
    • Line 15, Column Undyed Diesel – Total gallons from Schedule 10T for Product Types 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
    • Line 15, Column Other Fuels – Total gallons from Schedule 10T for Product Types other than 065, 160, 161, 167, 150, 154, 282, 283
  • Line 16, Column Gasoline – (Line 9, Col. 1) + (Line 10, Col. 1) + (Line 11, Col. 1) + (Line 12, Col. 1) + (Line 13, Col. 1) + (Line 14, Col. 1) + (Line 15, Col. 1)
    • Line 16, Column Undyed Diesel – (Line 9, Col. 2) + (Line 10, Col. 2) + (Line 11, Col. 2) + (Line 12, Col. 2) + (Line 13, Col. 2) + (Line 14, Col. 2) + (Line 15, Col. 2)
    • Line 16, Column Other Fuels – (Line 9, Col. 3) + (Line 10, Col. 3) + (Line 11, Col. 3) + (Line 12, Col. 3) + (Line 13, Col. 3) + (Line 14, Col. 3) + (Line 15, Col. 3)
  • Line 17, Column Gasoline – (Line 8, Column 1) – (Line 16, Column 1)
    • Line 17, Column Gasoline – (Line 8, Column 2) – (Line 16, Column 2)
    • Line 17, Column Gasoline – (Line 8, Column 3) – (Line 16, Column 3)

Summary of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax

  • Line 18 – Enter gallons from Line 17 above (Columns 1 & 2)
  • Line 18, Column Gasoline – From Line 17, Column Gasoline
  • Line 18, Column Undyed Diesel – From Line 17, Column Undyed Diesel
  • Line 19 – LESS GAS ALLOWANCE (1.35% of Line 18)
  • Line 19, Column Gasoline – (Line 18, Column Gasoline) * percent for Gas Allowance on Tax Rate Setup window
  • Line 20 – Subtotals (Line 18 - Line 19 in each column)
  • Line 20, Column Gasoline – (Line 18, Column Gasoline) – (Line 19, Column Gasoline)
  • Line 20, Column Undyed Diesel – From Line 18, Column Gasoline
  • Line 21 – Total Gallons subject to Fuel Tax = Add Column 1 Gasoline & Column 2 Undyed Diesel on Line 20
  • Line 22 – Wisconsin fuel tax rate per gallon from Tax Rate Setup window
  • Line 23 – Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Due (multiply Line 21 by rate on Line 22)

Summary of Petroleum Inspection Fee

  • Line 24 – Enter gallons from Line 8 above (Columns 1, 2 & 3)
  • Line 24, Column Gasoline – From Line 8, Column Gasoline
  • Line 24, Column Undyed Diesel – From Line 8, Column Undyed Diesel
  • Line 24, Column Other Fuels – From Line 8, Column Other Fuels
  • Line 25 – Total gallons subject to the fee ((Line 24, Column Gasoline) + (Line 24, Column Undyed Diesel) + (Line 24, Column Other Fuels))
  • Line 26 – Petroleum inspection fee per gallon from Tax Rates Setup screen
  • Line 27 – Petroleum Inspection fee due (multiply Line 25 by fee on Line 26)
  • Line 28 – Total tax & petroleum inspection fee due (add Line 23 + Line 27)
  • Line 29 – Late filing fee from Report popup window
  • Line 30, Interest – If paid late add Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month (.0005/day) from Report popup window
  • Line 31 – Total Due = Line 28 + Line 29 + Line 30

Fuel Disbursements Not Subject to Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax or Petroleum Inspection Fee

  • Line 32 – Fuel originating from IRS Registered Terminals (Schedule TD)
  • Line 32, Column Gasoline – From Schedule TD
  • Line 32, Column Undyed Diesel – From Schedule TD
  • Line 32, Column Other Fuels – From Schedule TD

Section C

Fuel Transported carrier report (Schedule PD)

  • No Activity checkbox – If all values in Lines 1 & 2 and all 3 columns are 0, check this box.
  • Line 1 – Enter total product transported in Gross Gallons
    • Line 1, Column Gasoline – From Schedule PD
    • Line 1, Column Undyed Diesel – From Schedule PD
    • Line 1, Column Other Fuels – From Schedule PD
  • Line 2 – Enter total product transported in Net Gallons
    • Line 2, Column Gasoline – From Schedule PD
    • Line 2, Column Undyed Diesel – From Schedule PD
    • Line 2, Column Other Fuels – From Schedule PD

Section D

A Terminal Operators Report.

  • No Activity checkbox – If all values in Lines 1 & 2 and all 3 columns are 0, check this box.
  • Line 1 – Fuel delivered to IRS Registered Terminals (Schedule TR)
    • Line 1, Column Gasoline – From Schedule TR
    • Line 1, Column Undyed Diesel – From Schedule TR
    • Line 1, Column Other Fuels – From Schedule TR
  • Line 2 – Fuel originating from IRS Registered Terminals (Schedule TD)
    • Line 2, Column Gasoline – From Schedule TD
    • Line 2, Column Undyed Diesel – From Schedule TD
    • Line 2, Column Other Fuels – From Schedule TD

Section E 

Terminal Ending Inventory Report – If late in filing this report, select the Late Filing box and enter a Late Filing Fee and Interest Rate per Month.  Check No Activity on Motor Vehicle Fuel Supplier Report if there is no activity to report.

Blender's Fuel Report and Registration Form

Section A

  • Legal Name
  • Mailing Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Federal Employer ID No./Social Security No. – From License and Tax ID setup window
  • Date of Incorporation or Registration – From License and Tax ID setup window
  • Type of Organization – From License and Tax ID setup window
  • Wisconsin County of Business Location
  • Report for month ending – Month from the End Date from the Reports window

Section B

  • Line 1, Column 1            From Report popup window
  • Line 1, Column 2            From Report popup window
  • Line 1, Column 3            From Report popup window

  • Line 2, Column 1            From Report popup window
  • Line 2, Column 2            From Report popup window
  • Line 2, Column 3            From Report popup window

  • Line 3, Column 1            From Report popup window
  • Line 3, Column 2            From Report popup window
  • Line 3, Column 3            From Report popup window

  • Line 4, Column 1            From Report popup window
  • Line 4, Column 2            From Report popup window
  • Line 4, Column 3            From Report popup window

  • Line 5, Column 1            Sum of Lines 1-4 for Column 1
  • Line 5, Column 2            Sum of Lines 1-4 for Column 2
  • Line 5, Column 3            Sum of Lines 1-4 for Column 3

  • Line 6                    Sum of Line 5Columns 1-3
  • Line 7                    From Wisconsin Tax Rates window
  • Line 8                    Line 6 * Line 7

  • Line 9, Column 2            From Line 5Column 2
  • Line 10, Column 2            From Report popup window
  • Line 11, Column 2            (Line 9Column 2) + (Line 10Column 2)
  • Line 12, Column 2            From Tax Rate Setup
  • Line 13                    (Line 11Column 2) * (Line 12Column 2)
  • Line 14                    Line 8 + Line 13


  • Wisconsin Combined Monthly Schedule
  • Schedule of Transactions