Slingshot - SKY Dispatch

Send files to Applicators through Slingshot in SKY Dispatch.

  1. In SKY Admin under Dispatch, select the Pencil next to Slingshot URI to edit that field. Enter then choose the green Checkmark.
  2. The + can be selected to enter the Slingshot Key. The Enabled toggle indicates if the key is active or not. Select the green Checkmark to save the key entered.
    Note: Multiple keys can be added here. Repeat Step 2 for each key.
  3. Slingshot devices can be tied to Agvance Vehicles in the Integrations Setup grid under Company Settings in SKY Dispatch. The name defaults into the Machine Alias area but can be edited.
  4. On the Jobs List or Map view, after selecting the Tickets, the More Options menu gives the ability to Send Files to Slingshot. Indicate the Device to send files to from the drop-down then drag and drop or select browse to locate the appropriate zip file. This area has the ability to select multiple devices and send multiple files at once.
  5. When assigning a job in SKY Dispatch, the Integration Type and Machine Alias tied to the Vehicle that is tied to the Applicator being assigned is shown in the drop-down.