Auto Apply

Auto Apply may be used when a customer does not specify which Invoices are to be paid.

  1. Select the Add a Payment on Account shortcut icon.
  2. Select the Customer whose account is to be affected. Notice that the total amount owed by the Customer is shown in the lower right corner.
  3. Enter the amount of the payment received in the Payment Amount field.
  4. Choose Auto Apply to apply the payment to the Invoices in the grid from the top down. The Standard sort order lists credit first, Finance Charges, and then regular Invoices. If the payment doesn’t cover all Invoices, it will partially pay an Invoice in order to equal the Payment Amount.
    Note: Auto Apply works from top down in the grid regardless of how the Invoice grid is sorted. If discounts are being altered, Auto Apply may not work as expected.
  5. Choose Save to post the Payment.