Customer Current Balances Report

The Current Balances style of Customer Balances reports at Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / A/R Status / Customer Balances provides a snapshot of the Customer's Regular, Prepay, Unapplied Cash (UAC), and Overall balances as of a specified Fiscal Month.

Select Current Balances in the Select Style section

  • Select Locations – The Location selection refers to the Location assigned to the Customer in the Customer File. By default, the Customer Balances report defaults to All Locations. To choose specific Locations, use the Select button.
  • Select Customers – The report defaults to All Customers. To choose specific Customers, use the Select button.
  • Classifications – Customers can be selected by Classifications. Information regarding Classifications can be found here.
  • Sort By – Select to display results by Name or ID.
  • Print Notes – Check to include Notes added in the Credit tab of the Customer file.
  • Include Zero Balances – Select to include Customer Accounts that have a zero balance.
  • As of Fiscal Month – View balances as of the Fiscal Month selected from the drop-down.
  • Include Phone # – Select to include Customer phone numbers on the report.
  • Group by Location – Select to group results by Location.