August 2024 SKY Release Notes


  • SV-1876 / KwikTag Test Connection – If using KwikTag, connections can be tested under Kwiktag in SKY Admin.
  • SKYW-3969 / Payment Term History – View Payment Term history for Single Transactions or Recurring Payments in Grower360.


  • AN-3052 / Price List with Margin Dashboard – The Price List with Margin dashboard under Product shows Product, Cost, Price Levels, Amount on Hand, Margin, and Active Ingredients all in one window.
  • AN-3101 / Sales by State Dashboard – The Sales by State dashboard under Accounts Receivable now displays the Quantity.
  • AN-3100 / Product Sales with Quantities Dashboard – The Product Sales with Quantities dashboard is now available under Accounts Receivable and displays sales quantities and dollars per Product.
  • AN-3050 / Discountable Prepaid Bookings Dashboard – The Discountable Prepaid Bookings dashboard available under Customer displays discounts offered and taken on prepaid Bookings along with the calculated refund for any remaining booked dollars unused that subtracts off the discount taken.
  • AN-3094 / GL Bank Deposit Analysis Dashboard – The GL Bank Deposit Analysis dashboard under Ledger shows bank deposits with detail.


  • SKYW-3904 / Link to Converted Booking/Blend – Select the Converted to label on a Plan to see the Blend Tickets or Bookings converted from the Plan. Choosing the radio button for the row gives the option to View Ticket.


  • SKYW-3544 / Recurring Payments – Growers using Budget Billing can now make recurring payments if this is enabled in SKY Admin.
  • SKYW-3946 / ACH Authorization – When Growers make a payment via ACH, a checkbox must be checked agreeing to the terms before the payment can be submitted.


Version 4.16


  • HW-4072 / Import Application Match Saved Product Mixes/Blends – When importing Application data, the Product Name is automatically matched to a Product Mix name under the user's account. Additionally, Product matching for Application imports was implemented to match saved Product Mixes and auto-populate the Product Mix window within the import wizard.
  • HW-10574 / SKY Planting Summary Report – A new report called SKY Planting Summary was added to the branded section of Reports.
  • HW-11334 / Field Setup – The Field Boundary works as expected.
  • HW-11387 / Import Planting – Planting data imports and surfaces as expected.
  • HW-11419 / Auto Exchange – Auto Exchange works as expected even if users have access to the same data. Additionally, the Queue Import count for manually uploaded Monitor Files and the Org Level Changer work as expected.
  • HW-11422 / Satellite Imagery Setup – A new textbox was added to the Imagery Setup called Maximum % Clouds Allowed that excludes any Imagery Date with a cloud % greater than this value for that Imagery Setup. The default is 50% and allows for adjustment between 0 (no cloud cover) and 100 (full cloud cover).
  • HW-11506 / Data Exchange – The Data Exchange process has been optimized.
  • HW-11510 / Import – The Import File delete query has been optimized.


  • HW-9486 / Manual Events – When detail is missing on any Event types within an aggregate Event, a prompt is displayed to provide the missing data.
  • HW-11321 / Offline Layers – Offline Layers support the addition of new Recs. These are displayed in Layers post-creation.
  • HW-11349 / Release Notes Page – In the Version section of the Settings page is a new option called Release Notes which brings up a Release Notes page with the same content as web.
  • HW-10046 / Field Profile Items – The following Field profile items save when values are entered and the Field is saved:
    • Crop
    • Brand/Org
    • Variety/Hybrid
    • FSA Tract Number
    • Watershed Name/Number

Version 4.15


  • HW-11056 / Layers Split Screen – The Zone Split tool works as expected. Additionally, the Legend width was increased in the Split Screen compare to enhance visibility. Scrollbars also display as expected. The follow rounding rules were implemented for the Min, Max, and Avg statistics:
    • <100 – Two decimals
    • 100 - 1000 – One decimal
    • >1000 – No decimal
  • HW-11481 / Import Planting – Importing Planting files where one or more files have zero rates does not cause all data of the same Crop and Variety to display as zero rate within the Files Info step in the table and Crop Info area.
  • HW-11484 / Field Setup Agvance Integration – Activating Fields in AI360 makes the Field active in Agvance. Additionally, unchecking the Inactive checkbox within Windows Agvance on the Field's Profile tab makes the Field active.
  • HW-11509 / Import Boundaries – The boundary import works as expected after a Customer has been selected or added. The Customer Name input in the Edit Field Boundary area was updated to display the full list of Customers when selected rather than having the need to search for the Customer.


  • HW-11024 / Sync Field Add/Update – The Field Add and Field Update functions work as expected.
  • HW-11486 / Recs – Opening Manual Application Recs created prior to the 4.12 release works as expected.
  • HW-11381 / Sampling Grid Dimensions – Modifying Grid Sampling width and height behaves as expected.
  • HW-11418 / Directions – The mobile Directions feature works as expected.


  • SKYD-282 / Edit Sales OrderSales Orders can now be edited in SKY Order.


  • SV-1795, 1895, 1896 / Navigation – Links have been added to AP Bills listed under AP Payment details and to Vendor Names on AP Bills and AP Payments to easily navigate to additional Bill details and Vendor profiles respectively.