Update Equal Billing Info

See here for information on updating Budget Billing Memo Invoices.

This utility, found at Energy / Utilities / Update Equal Billing Info, was designed to simplify the task of updating the Equal Billing amounts on tanks. Multiple tanks may be edited at one time.

  • Load Cycle – Select the cycle to be updated. The grid loads after a cycle is selected from the Load Cycle drop-down.
  • Grid – Equal billing customer information loads into the grid based on the Load Cycle selected. Manually update the Amount column with the new Equal Billing amounts.
  • Tag All – This selects all tanks displayed in the grid.
  • Save – Saving records the new amount in the Equal Billing area of the tank information for the selected tanks. This new amount will be used the next time Budget Invoices are posted.

The Equal Billing Info, sometimes also called Budget Billing amounts, can be easily updated using a few different methods. This Equal Billing Amount is found on the Profile tab of the tank file in the Equal Billing Info area, along with the Cycle and the product used for the Budget Billing.

The first option to update the Equal Billing amount is to manually edit the amount on the tank file. Using this option, the Cycle, Product, and Amount is manually entered on each individual tank. When using this method, there is no automatic calculation for the amount.

The second option is to use the Update Equal Billing Information utility, found at Utilities / Update Equal Billing Info. When using this option, tanks may optionally be filtered by the Load Cycle, and the new Budget Billing amount is manually entered into a grid. Other information available to update with this utility is Cycle and the Product used when processing the Budget Billing Memo Invoices.

The third option is to use the Update Budgets/Create Bookings utility found at Utilities / Update Budgets/Create Bookings. This utility serves to update the Equal Billing Amount on the tank and also creates an unpaid Booking for the upcoming heating season. The information is entered on the Setup tab for the program to calculate the number of gallons and amount based on tank history.

Note: The New Equal Billing $ Amount calculated by the utility is appended to the Booking Comments on each Booking and is also included when Booking Comments are selected to print on Booking Contracts.

Once this information is set, on the Create tab select Preview to display the tank information, usage, along with the New Equal Billing $ Amount.

Select the tanks to be posted by selecting the Post option. The Booking Quantity and the New Equal Billing $ Amount may be manually edited if necessary. Choose Post to update the Equal Billing Amount on the tank and create an unpaid Booking in the Accounting module for the calculated gallons of fuel.

For more on this utility, see Update Budgets/Create Bookings.