Updated Articles

  1. Eleview Export/Import

    The Eleview Export and Import feature generates a file which is saved to a designated folder and can be sent to Eleview for review. The file will be processed, and a results file will be created showing all the records sent as well as any errors ide...
  2. Archive Field Data / Seasons

    Field data, including soil test results, nutrient recommendations, application history, and budgeting information, can be maintained and viewed at Hub / File / Open / Field . Archiving the data is an important step in preserving the previous field ...
  3. Security Procedures for Electronically Signed Contracts

    Software Solutions Integrated, LLC’s security procedures in place for Retailers and their Customers electronically signing Grain Contracts.
  4. Updating Chemical Database Products

    Chemical Database Product information can be easily updated in Agvance manually or by using the Agvance Agent tool. This utility incorporates the Save Sets / Load Sets functionality found on several reports in Agvance. Note: Agvance Agent can o...
  5. May 2024 SKY Energy Release Notes

    SKY Energy SKYR-49 / Safety Forms – Safety Forms have been added to SKY Energy to record Suspected Leak and Interruption of Service calls. The forms have statements to read to the caller and fields to record information about the le...
  6. Logo Setup on Mapping Reports

    Logos can be set up to print on Mapping reports by navigating to Mapping / SSI / Mapping Preferences and choosing Select Logo . The Select Logo window displays. Designate the level at which the logo should appear from th...
  7. Planning - Lime Recs Setting Tons to Pounds for Variable Rate

    When generating Lime Recommendations in Agvance Planning, the results are saved as tons per acre. Some controllers for Variable Rate Application require lime to be applied in pounds. To create an export from Agvance Mapping with the correct units, u...
  8. Create Gridded_TR and Gridded_REC Layers in Mapping

    There are two ways to create the foundation Grid Layer. This may be set up manually, or use the SSI / Create SSI Grids menu item to automatically create this layer if no special setup is required. To set up this layer manually, right-click on the...
  9. Print Translucent Crop Zone Maps

    In Agvance Mapping, select a Field to display, then go to File / Print / Report Books . In the Report Books window, highlight the New Report Book heading, and then select the Open icon. In the Report Book Configuration window, select t...
  10. Download NAIP Imagery

    NAIP imagery is available to download as an alternative imagery source. The following steps outline how to download and set up this imagery data. Setup Go to  https://nrcs.app.box.com/v/naip to open the download page. Imagery is organi...