Updated Articles

  1.  Product Request Actions

        The following actions are available for Product Requests: Edit – Choose the Lock option on the line(s) to edit anything about the request. Only requests with a Status of New are eligible for edit. Only those ...
  2. Open Item Statement

    The Open Item Statement shows only Invoices that are open at the time the Statement is processed. This Statement style is ideal for Customers requesting to only see open Invoices or for fast-moving accounts with a lot of activity to help the Custo...
  3. Grower360 Bookings

    Prepaid and unpaid product Bookings can be viewed from the Bookings menu. Select Expand All to view details for everything listed below on either the Bookings or Booked Products tabs. Choosing Export sends details of the selected tab to...
  4.  Grower360 Fields

    Farms, Fields, and Field information, such as maps (if available), acreage, current weather conditions, and Field activity can be viewed from the Fields menu.       Fields can be searched and filtered using the Search fi...
  5. Make a Database Image

    Using the Make a Database Image utility creates a snapshot in time of the system's data. The utility, found at Hub / Utilities / Make Database Image, allows users the option to save the Image locally, such as on their PC or network, or the I...
  6. AP Bill List

    The Bill List   report found at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Accounts Payable  provides a complete list of all AP Bills in the system, with the ability to filter by Vendor, and status such as Paid, Unpaid, or Both . Select...
  7. Connecting a Mac System to an Agvance Hosted Server

    On the Mac Computer, go to the App Store. Search for the Microsoft Remote Desktop app and select Get . Once the app has downloaded, the following window displays. Select the Plus and choose Add PC . Enter the server information and sel...
  8. CRM Gap Analysis

    The Customer Gap Analysis presents data in a Summary Style grid giving vision of both sales and purchases for selected customers. Using this data, companies can evaluate each customer’s Grain purchases and Accounts Receivable sales to identify...
  9. Vendor Credit Refund

    Learn how to record a refund check from a Vendor in  Agvance Accounting. ...
  10. Importing Blend (VRT) Scale Tickets

    Blend Ticket (VRT) type Scale Tickets created in Scale Interface can be imported into a Blend Ticket in the Blending. One or more of these Scale Tickets can be imported into a single Product line item on a Blend Ticket. In Agvance Scale In...