Updated Articles

  1. Using PDF Print Driver for Agvance Documents

    To send documents (Invoice, Delivery/Blend Ticket, map, etc.) via email, download a PDF print driver (everal companies offer free PDF drivers). Once installed, select the PDF driver at the Print Document screen. These documents can be sent in a PD...
  2.  Promos and Discounts

    The Promos & Discounts tab on the Edit Product Pricing utility, found at Hub / Utilities / Edit Product Pricing , is used to enter sale prices with effective date ranges. These sale prices replace the product’s List Price when used ...
  3. Agvance Hardware Overview

    The following documentation should be used as a guide when buying new hardware for use with Agvance ® . Equipment of lesser specifications could yield unsatisfactory results. Call SSI for clarification on existing hardware. These are general r...
  4. Sunsetting Payroll | 12.31.2024

    The payroll functionality within Agvance will no longer be supported or updated after December 31, 2024. Although this change is not immediate, we want you to have the information necessary to make important business decisions and the time to make a...
  5. Blend Jobs - Apply

    To switch between Blend Jobs and Delivery Jobs, select the down arrow at the top of the screen. The number displayed indicates the number of each job type assigned to the applicator. Blend Job List On any job, swipe from right to left to D...
  6. SKY Dispatch Suite - Educational Pathway

    The innovative suite of dispatching tools from Agvance includes Dispatch, Apply and Inform. SKY Dispatch Video Playlist SKY Dispatch SKY Dispatch Blend Jobs - SKY Dispatch Delivery Jobs - SKY Dispatch Company Settings Perso...
  7. Agvance ID Cheat Sheet

    The following lists out the requirements/restrictions regarding IDs in Agvance. ID Max. Length Notes Example Applicator 6 SJ1 (Steve Johnson) Container 60 Container12345 Customer 6 Cannot ...
  8. SKY Admin - Educational Pathway

    SKY Admin is where company SKY Users are managed. Access to SKY features and their related management settings are granted here. SKY Admin Videos SKY Admin Users User List Edit User Create Grower360 Users Grower360 Heartland...
  9. Invoices - SKY Customer

    Regular Invoices The quick view of Regular Invoices includes the Invoice # , Invoice and Due Date , Original Amt , Amt Due , the User who created the Invoice and the Status – either Open , Paid , or Voided . Invo...
  10. Agvance Report Agent User Document

    Use Agvance Report Agent to run or email multiple reports/tasks at a scheduled time or on-demand with the click of a button. This Agvance Agent is helpful for large reports that run on a regular basis and some Accounting and Grain reports can be r...