Transfer Customer Prepay to Unapplied Cash

There are times it may be necessary to transfer a Customer's Prepay balance to their Regular balance.  More specifically, it may be desired to transfer the Prepay balance to the Unapplied Cash bucket of the Customer's Regular balance. 

  1. At A/R / Transfer Customer Prepay, select the Customer whose account holds the Prepay balance.
  2. Select the Booking line item(s) to be used for this transfer. Edit the Refund Amount column if desired to specify the dollar amount to be transferred for each line item.
  3. With the Total Amt of Refund reflecting the amount to be transferred and the option set to Transfer to Regular Acct, choose Done to save the transaction.
  4. Go to the Payment on Accounts screen (A/R / Payments / Add) for the Customer selected in Step 1. There should be a credit on the Customer’s account for the amount that was transferred. Deselect all items in the grid except the Credit Invoice created by the Transfer Prepay process. Do not enter any payment amount and click Save.
  5. Once the above message displays, click Yes to move the credit to Unapplied Cash.