Last Updated: 06/20/2024
in Knowledge Base Grain Grain STLM
Adding an Assembly
To add an Assembly Sheet in the Grain module, select the Add an Assembly shortcut icon.
When adding an Assembly, the information on the Assembly is the defaulting information on the Scale Ticket or Scale Ticket s...
Last Updated: 01/09/2023
in Knowledge Base Hub Hub General
Q. When adding and saving new Blend Tickets in Agvance Blending, they immediately display in the Dispatch Agronomy Work Orders window. However, there are times when the Blend Ticket needs to be created but does not need to be added to the list o...
Q. The error message Root Element is Missing is displaying when trying to open Agvance: Th e error appears before the Agvance login screen. Selecting OK will close the program. A. This error occurs when the User.config file has beco...
Last Updated: 03/14/2023
in Knowledge Base KB General
Bar Code Scanners are alternative keyboard entry devices. Most bar code scanners should be able to read barcodes created in Agvance. Two options are: Opticon by American Microsystems, LTD - www.amltd.com PSC Duet Dual Scan Kit - www.systemid....
Last Updated: 01/12/2024
in Knowledge Base Agronomy Blending
All reports available in the Blending module are blend-related. Other reports such as Field splits, Customer lists, etc., are found in the Hub, Planning, or Accounting modules. The Hub has many reference and general information reports for files tha...
Last Updated: 08/15/2024
in Knowledge Base Agvance Suite
An Alternate Location GLN may be set up when utilizing web service ordering for crop protection and seed Products or when there is a conflict with Location GLNs between Vendors.
Within B2B Setup, navigate to Setup / eBusiness . In the Loca...
State auditors require a report with the following information: Dealer name Customer name EPA number Customer license expiration date Customer license number Amount of product sold. The amount can be summarized for the year. The report must...
Purpose The Business Influence Overview displays total sales for customers, including the sales of the customers they influence and how those sales are broken out per influencer. The Sales Totals include sales for all fiscal years in Agvance. D...
In SKY Mapping, the user can calculate recommendations manually or by using a pre-loaded equation set. Once recommendations are created, they can be brought into the blending module of Agvance to create Blend Tickets. ...