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  1. Take No Money or Prepay Later

    The dealer might create a Booking without taking money for a couple of reasons. Perhaps the product is spoken for but the customer will prepay later. Sometimes the dealer gives special pricing for early orders to aid in the ordering process from the...
  2. Printing Ship To Address on Blend and Delivery Tickets

    The shipping location can be printed on a Blend or Delivery Ticket without having to enter it in the Comments area. To print a Ship To on a Delivery Ticket, go to the Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences / Delivery Ticket tab, and select ...
  3. API 7.0.24330 | 10.31.2023

    FTM-3098 / New Endpoint GetInventoryAdjustment – A new public endpoint to get the list of Inventory Adjustments has been added to the Agvance API.  This method will also support pagination. Optional values of Reference Number , Location , Star...
  4. Price Overrides

    Price overrides can be recorded in the database when a price is changed on a transaction. Additionally, a reason can be required to be entered. When this information is recorded, the Price Changes Log report displays the information. Navigate to A...
  5. Setting Up and Tracking Consignment Products

    Vendors will sometimes supply a dealership with product and bill them monthly for the portion of the product that is sold. Below is how to set up and manage that product. Add the Product and mark the Consignment checkbox on the Profile tab. Thi...
  6. Dispatch Job Status

    For companies using the Dispatch module, this utility found under the Utilities menu in Blending allows viewing the status of application jobs filtered by the selected criteria. Blend Tickets may be opened and edited from this window. Set Ready ...
  7. Cardtrol Card Activity Dashboard

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on department location. Purpose Card Activity shows Invoices with a card number for reporting purposes. Detail Filter by Date Range, Customer, and/or Product. ...
  8. Managing Purchase and AP Discounts

    There are three places to set up the default discount G/L accounts that are used by Purchase Invoices and/or the Pay Bills utility. Edit the Location at Accounting / Setup / Locations , and, on the G/L Posting tab, select the A/P Discount...
  9. Inventory Checkup Out of Balance

    The Inventory Checkup indicates several products are out of balance. How can these products be corrected that are out of balance? The purpose of the Inventory Checkup is to review the inventory detail on each product and compare the balances with t...
  10. Dispatch Jobs

    Jobs Jobs are defined as Blend Tickets or Delivery Tickets. One ticket can create multiple jobs if the ticket is a multi-field Blend Ticket. Blend and Delivery Tickets show up in the Agronomy Work Orders window. The tickets displayed are filtere...