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  1.  Add Invoice

                          The same invoicing function is used whether importing tickets (Delivery, Blend, or Energy) or invoicing directly. The method by which the Invoicing screen is reached may vary. After selecting the Invoice...
  2. Setup Instructions for Epson Receipt Printer and APG Cash Drawer

    These components are sold by Dell as part of their POS Integrator system bundles and individually as POS peripherals. The Epson TM-T88IV Receipt Printer is a USB printer. The Cash Drawer connects to the Receipt Printer using a special cable that loo...
  3. Open Item Statement

    The Open Item Statement shows only Invoices that are open at the time the Statement is processed. This Statement style is ideal for Customers requesting to only see open Invoices or for fast-moving accounts with a lot of activity to help the Custome...
  4. Edit Product Pricing

    The Edit Product Pricing utility found at Hub / Utilities offers the ability to edit several product prices at the same time. The feature can be used to create Price Levels marked up by a certain percentage or a specific margin from cost or anothe...
  5. Transfer Customer Prepay

    When the billing season ends, there are different options available for handling money left in Customer Prepay accounts, including:  Allow the balance to remain in the Customer’s Prepay so that it may be used on future Invoices (no action ...
  6. ACH Vendor Setup

    To set up an ACH Vendor, in the Accounting module, navigate to File / Open / Vendors . Edit the Vendor needing set up as an ACH Vendor. Go to the 1099 / Payment Info tab. Select ACH Payment as the Method of Payment . Setup In...
  7. Inventory Departments - Accounting

    Inventory Departments are a way of categorizing the inventory into subsets such as Dry Fertilizer , Liquid Fertilizer , Pesticides , and Seed and controlling the posting of sales and purchases of items within that department. In addition to res...
  8. Topaz Signature Pad Install

    Agvance supports the T-LBK460-BSB-R Topaz Signature Pad. Follow the instructions below to install this signature pad. Setup Download and save the SigPlus BSB pad installer to the local client computer or terminal by going here ...
  9.  End of Fiscal Year

    Overview Before ending the fiscal year, it is best to deposit as many of the outstanding entries in the Make a Deposit screen as possible. Ideally, the window would be empty for the start of the new year. If outstanding items remain, Agvance br...
  10. Sending Data via LeapFILE

    SSI uses LeapFILE to send and receive data files in a safe and secure environment. When sending data files to SSI, the following steps should be followed. This process automatically initiates an email to the SSI Team, alerting them when a file has...