Adjusting Inventory


 Inventory Adjustments
The Inventory Adjustment function under the Inventory menu in Accounting corrects inventory quantities for any reason (shrinkage, damage, package size substitutions, etc.) when the amount of product on hand does not match the computer balance. I...
 Physical Inventory Management
Physical Inventory Management is a tool for physical inventory counts that goes several steps beyond the Inventory Adjustment. Physical Inventory Management allows Product balances to be frozen before the inventory count begins. It also allows multi...
Voiding an Inventory Adjustment
Inventory Adjustments are voided at Inventory / Inventory Adjustments by selecting the inventory adjustment and then choosing Void . Voiding an inventory adjustment affects the inventory balances for the products on the adjustment. If using the ...
Physical Inventory Management vs. Inventory Adjustments
The Physical Inventory Management utility is not intended to replace the original Inventory Adjustment feature. The following situations should be handled with Inventory Adjustments: You are adjusting just a few products, and extra time for resear...