New Articles

  1. PO/PI Tolerance

    To help manage pricing variances between the Purchase Order price and the Purchase Invoice price, the PO/PI Tolerance may be established. This setting is found at Setup / Inventory / PO/PI Tolerance . Dollar ranges and tolerance amounts for each ...
  2. Inco Terms

    Inco Terms may optionally be set up for use on Purchase Orders at Accounting / Setup / Inventory / Inco Terms . Code – Enter the 3-character Inco Term code. Description – Enter the description for the Inco Term. ...
  3. Product Request Actions

        The following actions are available for Product Requests: Edit – Choose the Lock option on the line(s) to edit anything about the request. Only requests with a Status of New are eligible for edit. Only those with access to t...
  4. Adding a Product Request

    This feature provides locations a tool to request inventory from centralized warehouses and for the warehouse to release and ship the product. If product is not available at the warehouse, a Procurement team member can create a Purchase Order. ...
  5. Product Request Statuses

    As a request moves through the supply chain, the Status changes as follows: New – This indicates a brand-new request. Released – The warehouse supervisor has allocated the quantity to the requesting location, but the product has not left...
  6. Product Requests

  7. Advanced Manufacturing

    Advanced Manufacturing uses one or more raw goods to produce multiple finished goods. An example is dividing cleaned corn into bags, totes, and screenings. With Advanced Manufacturing this is done in one step. Typically, a company uses their own pr...
  8. Manufactured Inventory Entry

    This function at Accounting / Inventory / Manufacture Inventory creates some manufactured product based on the formula defined at the product level. The formula is established for a set quantity. The raw materials are relieved and the inventory fo...
  9. Physical Inventory Management

    Overview Physical Inventory Management is a tool for physical inventory counts that goes several steps beyond the Inventory Adjustment. Physical Inventory Management allows product balances to be frozen before the inventory count begins. It also ...
  10. Credit Checking

    Populating the Date Opened field on the Credit tab of the Customer file activates the Credit Checking feature for the customer. This must also be set for the Hold Credit Status to work, as well as for the % of Limit and credit checking b...