STLM Purchase Contract Migration

Migrate part or all of a non-priced Purchase Contract units by creating a new Purchase Contract.

The migration of Purchase Contracts allows for the Scale Tickets with open units on a Scale Ticket referenced by a Settlement or with child/parent split records with Settlements referenced. These Scale Tickets will be switched to share units prorating the freight percent to each of these overfill lines. The preexisting charges and charge amount paid will be prorated based on units moving to the new split line. The Drying Bank transferred will be the amount needed from the new schedule to cover the drying on the new split to the amount paid on the source split line.

  1. Go to Operations / Purchase Contracts
  2. Select the contract and choose Migrate.  
  3. Once the contract is selected, the Migrate Purchase Contract window displays. 
  4. Enter the quantity in Contract Units to Migrate.
  5. Select a Disposition.  If disposition is set to Priced, enter the cash price for the new Purchase Contract being created.
  6. If units are applied to the contract already, select the checkbox for the tickets to be used in the migration making sure the number of Total Units Selected meets or exceeds the number of units needed for the new contract. The system will only use the number of units at the top of the Migrate Purchase Contract window.
  7. Upon saving, the new contract is created, information on the original Purchase Contract is copied to the new Purchase Contract. If using the preference at Grain / Setup / Preferences / Multi-Shrink Options tab, if Contract migration uses previous contract suffix, then a -xx will be added to the original Purchase Contract on the new Purchase Contract being created.