Grower360 Products

The Products page displays a list of Products purchased by the Grower and provides access to Product detail including total cost sums and Invoices.

Products can be searched and/or filtered by using the Search field at the top of the page. Leaving Search blank will search for all products purchased within the Date Range.

The Subtotal, Total Tax, and Total Cost of the filtered products display at the bottom of the page.

Choosing Export downloads a CSV of currently displayed Products. The resulting file contains the Product Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure, My Share, Field Id, and Tank Sn.

Selecting the Ellipsis provides the option to Reorder Products (Reorder Products must be enabled in SKY Admin for this option to be available). For more information on reordering Products, see here.

Products can be filtered by Invoice Date Range. The date defaults to the current month. Optionally, Products can be filtered by Field or Tank when the Destination toggle is on. The filters selected display below the Filters button.

Product Details

Select a Product to view additional details. The Product Details grid displays the Product, Field Id, Tank Sn, Quantity purchased, and Cost (product cost for the customer's share).

Selecting a Product from the grid displays the Product Detail page, where Invoice details for the selected Product can be viewed. A separate line for each Invoice loads on this page along with the Invoice#, Invoice Date, Quantity, Tax, Product Subtotal, Prepay, and Invoice Total for each Invoice line. Selecting the Ellipsis provides options to View PDF, Download PDF, or Reorder Products (Reorder Products must be enabled in SKY Admin for this option to be available). For more information on reordering Products, see here.

The Product Details page can also be filtered by date range by adjusting the Date Range fields at the top of the page. To download the list of Invoices, select Export (to the right of the Date Range).

Product totals display at the bottom of the page for all Products in the grid, including Total Quantity, Product Subtotal, Tax, and Total Product Cost.

The breadcrumbs at the top of the page can be used to navigate back to the Products page.