Grower360 Recent Activity

The most recent Payments, Invoices, Scale Tickets, and Field Applications on the customer's account can be quickly reviewed. Selecting See More on any of the grids displays additional transactions.

If the Grain, Fields, Payments, and/or Invoices Divisions are turned off in SKY Admin, the Scale Tickets, Field Applications, Payments, and/or Invoices tabs will not display in the Recent Activity section of the Grower360 Overview page respectively. If all four of these Divisions are turned off, the Recent Activity section will not be displayed at all.


  • The Payment grid displays basic payment information including the Date, Amount, and Type (Regular or Prepay).
  • Additional payment details can be viewed by selecting the Cloud icon and choosing to view and/or download a PDF of the payment.
    Note: If the PDF is not available, this means it has not yet been sent from Agvance to Grower360. Please see the Send PDF Files to Grower360 document for additional information on sending documents to Grower360.


  • The Invoices grid displays basic Invoice information including the Field, Invoice Date, Due Date, Original Invoice amount, Unpaid Invoice amount, and the current Invoice Status (Paid or Unpaid).
  • Additional Invoice details can be viewed by selecting the Ellipsis and choosing to view and/or download a PDF of the invoice.
  • Note: If the PDF is not available, this means it has not yet been sent from Agvance to Grower360. Please see the Send PDF Files to Grower360 document for additional information on sending documents to Grower360.

Scale Tickets

  • The Scale Tickets grid displays basic Grain Scale Ticket information including the Date, Commodity, and Status .
  • Additional Scale Ticket details can be viewed by selecting the Scale Ticket, which then displays the Scale Ticket Details page.

Field Applications

  • The Field Applications grid displays recent custom applications.
  • Select View More to navigate to the Fields area of Grower360.