New Articles

  1. Splitting out Existing Blend Tickets

    Combining or splitting out of existing Blend Tickets allows splitting out one or more Blend Tickets to associate the correct quantity with each field. Example : The original Blend document is used to load a truck to get the product to the fields. ...
  2. Resize Ticket

    This function is accessible at File / Open / Blend Ticket and gives the ability to resize the Blend Ticket. It is used when a Blend Ticket is not completed and some or all remaining batches need to be resized to utilize available equipment. The bl...
  3. Record Conditions

    This function is used to record weather and field conditions noted at the time of application. Record Conditions is found at File / Open / Blend Ticket or by selecting the icon. The Record Conditions window may also be accessed by editing ...
  4. Read Blender

    This feature, found by choosing Read Blender on the Select a Blend Ticket window or by editing a ticket and selecting Capture Blender , automates the editing of a ticket to actual product loaded when interfaced to an automated blender (such as ...
  5. Record Blend Ticket as Loaded

    This function is used to mark Blend Tickets as Loaded, therefore affecting inventory. Record as Loaded is found at File / Open / Blend Ticket . A shortcut is also available.  The Record Blend Tickets as Loaded window displays all tickets th...
  6. Edit to Actual Scale

    The Edit to Actual Scale function is designed for the companies who re-weigh trucks after loading a job. This function can be accessed by editing the Blend Ticket then choosing Edit to Actual at the bottom of the screen or from the Edit to Actual...
  7. Managing Blend Tickets

  8. Location Preferences - Blending

    Preferences allow options to be set, therefore customizing to a degree how the program works for the company. Often these default settings may be overridden as transactions are being entered. Important scale settings, which determine the ac...
  9. Product Sets Setup

    Product Sets are set up and maintained at Blending / Setup / Product Sets . Overview Product Sets are groups of inventory items often combined as blended products. This involves grouping fertilizer or other products (i.e. water, clay, or dry fi...
  10. Adding Blend Tickets

    Blend Ticket Overview   Blend Tickets are generated for a customer’s Field. A Field must exist for the customer before a Blend Ticket may be created. Fields can be added one at a time at Hub / File / Open / Fields or a ge...