Eleview Export/Import

The Eleview Export and Import feature generates a file which is saved to a designated folder and can be sent to Eleview for review. The file will be processed, and a results file will be created showing all the records sent as well as any errors identified. This file can then be imported into Agvance where the issues can be addressed.

When creating an export, the settlements are marked as Processed in Agvance so they will not be sent to Eleview again. Any errors identified in the Eleview review file will need to be downloaded and saved in the same file path as the export file. Once the review file is imported into Agvance, any settlements that have issues identified will be reverted back to an Unprocessed state so they can be corrected and processed again later.


Canadian customers can access the Eleview Export/Import at Grain / Transfers / Export / Canadian Wheat Growers and Grain / Transfers / Import / Canadian Wheat Growers.

In order to process properly, complete the Setup tab information prior to the first export. This setup is saved in the User profile, so it is recommended the same User perform the export/import each time.

  • Export Path – Indicate where the file will be created and saved. It is recommended to create a folder specifically for the export so it can be easily found and accessed by other Users if issues arise. This path will be entered in the Eleview program.
  • Export File Name – It is recommended to use the last settlement date as part of the file name.
    Note: The file name will need to be a new name with each export.
  • Batch ID – This will begin at 1 and increase incrementally as more files are created. This designates each batch that is created.
  • Eleview ID – Enter the company's Agri-eBusiness (AEB) identifier.
  • Producer ID Xref – This is the Agvance Customer’s XRef label from the Profile tab used to reference the Grower’s ID found in the Agri-eBusiness database used by Wheat Growers.
  • Commodity Pools – Select the Commodity and the Pool ID it will be cross-referenced to for use in reporting.
  • Commodity XRefs – Select the Commodity and the Eleview equivalent to which it will be cross-referenced. The Minimum Moisture % Charged column is used to enter the minimum moisture percentage for calculating drying per Commodity. Anything equal to or below this percentage will not have drying charges in the file.
  • Grade Factor XRefs – Select the Grade Factor and the Eleview equivalent to which it will be cross-referenced. Currently, Grade, Moisture, and Protein are all required Grade Factors.
  • Deduction XRefs – Select all Agvance Grain Settlement Deductions and the Eleview deduction equivalent to which they are to be cross-referenced. ALL deductions must be mapped with a Wheat Grower specific ID or the option of Other.

Export Process

When entering the Settlement Start and End Dates, Agvance will use the date the settlement was entered rather than the actual date of the Settlement. This allows the Settlement to be backdated without causing reporting issues.

  • Settlement Start Date – Use the last known import date if all were imported correctly. If there were any errors on the last import date, enter a date that will capture any corrected settlements that need to be reported.
  • Settlement End Date – Use the current date or the date up to which Settlements should be processed.

On the Setup tab, update the Export File Name. It is recommended to use the last Settlement date as part of the file name. Select Export to create a file. Once the file is saved, it is ready to be sent to Eleview using Eleview software.

Export File Notes

  • Canadian Wheat Growers Fee per Tonne – In the exported file, the Fee Per Tonne is the rate of the Agvance Grain Tax deduction instead of calculating the actual amount.
  • Canadian Wheat Growers Ontario Customers – The export only includes Settlements for Ontario customers with ON in the State on the Profile tab of the Customer File.
  • Canadian Wheat Growers Report of Missing Producer ID – The program scans all records in the file for a Producer ID which is entered as the Producer ID Xref. If Customers are missing this information, a message displays during the export listing these Customers along with the option to stop the import or continue. The message may be printed. If Continue is selected, Customers missing Producer IDs are omitted from the file.
  • Canadian Wheat Growers Reversals of Settlements – When reversing a Settlement containing Settlement Contract sources, it correctly negates the original Settlement.

Import Process

In the Eleview program, a Results folder must be set up which will be accessible by Agvance. Once Eleview has completed the review of an exported file, a Results file will be sent with a name similar to the example shown below. The first two letters denote the month the original file was sent. The next two numbers denote the day of the month. This file should be saved to the Eleview Results folder.

Once downloaded to the Eleview folder, it can be imported into Agvance at Grain / Transfers / Import / Canadian Wheat Growers.

Using the Browse button, locate the results file to be imported. It should contain today’s month/day in the file name. Select Import.

A message will display indicating the number of records unchecked. These are the records NOT accepted by Eleview and require additional research to correct the issue and be resubmitted.


Currently, Agvance does not have a report listing the records rejected by Eleview. However, the results file can be reviewed as either a CSV or TXT file and contains the original information submitted as well as any error codes. If an error code is included in the record, it will be near the end of the record.

Contact SSI for a current list of error codes if needed.

The example below shows records PD,11 and PD,12 which are error 75. They are missing the AEB number which should be located prior to the Commodity as on record PD,10.