New Articles

  1. Formulating a Percentage of Slow Release Nitrogen

    Q.  How do I formulate for a certain percentage of Slow Release Nitrogen when making a Blend Ticket? A.  Agvance Blending has the tools built into the formulation process to calculate the desired quantity of Slow Release Nitrogen when formulating...
  2. Hazmat Reportable Quantity Threshold

    Hazmat paperwork needs to properly determine if a product should be flagged as RQ (Reportable Quantity) based on the quantity being shipped and a user-defined product level threshold. Agvance has the functionality to properly determine if a product...
  3. Using Crop Chemistry in Agvance

    Crop Chemistries may be set up and used on Agvance Blend Tickets to denote the ticket is a certain chemistry, allowing the Blend Ticket to be assigned to the correct sprayers. When a Crop Chemistry is selected, it displays on the ticket to help av...
  4. GHS Compliance for Blend Tickets

    Q.  As a company using Agvance for fertilizer blending, I need to be GHS compliant so I don't get penalized by the DOT, OSHA, EPA, etc.  A.  When printing a Blend Ticket, if there are any GHS Required  products on the ticket, a Print GHS  form ...
  5. Phosphate to Aqua Ammonia Ratio Blend

    Q.  When creating liquid Blends for Tobacco, we need to formulate based on a ratio of one part Aqua Ammonia to three parts Phosphate. A.  To accomplish this ratio in Agvance Blending, set up the Nitrogen form breakdown on the Blend Setup  tab of...
  6. Show Original Cost of Quoted Field Plans

    Q.  Field plans are usually created several weeks or months ahead of actual applications and billing. Since product costs can fluctuate over time, is there a way to display the original costs of the products from when the plan was first created? ...
  7. Scale Ticket Not Showing for Import into a Delivery Ticket

    Q.  I am trying to import a Scale Ticket into a Delivery Ticket, but the Scale Ticket is not able to be found. What should I do? A.  When a Scale Ticket is made for a Delivery Ticket type and does not have a valid product selected, it will not be...
  8. Yargus Interface

    Once the Yargus system is set up and ready to be interfaced with Agvance, additional areas need to be set up in Agvance to accomplish the interface. Products and Product Sets need to be set up by editing a Product at Hub / File / Open / Produc...
  9. Setup of 3rd Party Applicator to Print on Custom Application Sheet

    Q.  How do I print the address/phone number of the 3rd party applicator/application business on the Custom Application sheet? A.  The 3rd party applicator must be set up at the Hub / Setup / Applicators / Select Applicators / Edit Applicators In...
  10. Inform Fact Sheet

    The Inform app equips sales staff and other mobile personnel with real-time updates on application status and job progress.