New Articles

  1. Murray Remote Blender Type Option

    This option includes a To Remote and a From Remote destination folder selection field on the Blender Interface/Print Preference tab of the Edit A Product Blend Set window. The To Remote folder holds the release numbers yet to b...
  2. Create Grower360 Users

    As an Admin, create Grower360 Users and link them to Agvance Customers, all from Agvance SKY.  In Customer, use the Search Customers… field to search for and select the desired Agvance Customer. Select Relationships from the left navigation...
  3. Guaranteed Analysis Decimal Accuracy Setup

    Each location set up in Agvance may determine the Accuracy  and Tolerance for each nutrient when Price by is set to Guaranteed Analysis . This controls how the Guaranteed Analysis displays on the Consolidated Blend, Custom App, State Fertilize...
  4. Setting Up and Using Blend Fees

    Q.  What is a blend fee, and how do I set it up? A.  A blend fee is a product set up to represent a charge for blending, delivery, or equipment for fertilizer, feed, etc. It is usually set up in a Fee Inventory Department in the Hub.  Blend fe...
  5. Printing Ship To Address on Blend and Delivery Tickets

    The shipping location can be printed on a Blend or Delivery Ticket without having to enter it in the Comments area. To print a Ship To on a Delivery Ticket, go to the Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences / Delivery Ticket tab, and select ...
  6. Steps for Touch ID or Facial Recognition

    Customers can adjust settings on iPhones to utilize the Touch ID or Facial Recognition features with Grower360. The following steps allow Touch ID or Facial Recognition to work with the Grower360 app using an Apple device.  Note: This is a gener...
  7. Importing New Soil Test Points and Results

    Q.  How are new soil sample results on a field imported when the sample points have changed from the previous soil tests? A.  Before importing the new results, evaluate if the previous soil test results and points should be preserved. If so...
  8. Field Split Incorrect on a Plan

    Q.   The field splits for an existing Field Plan are incorrect. For example, the billing splits for  S-2  is currently set at 100%, but the splits should reflect a 60/40 split. How can this Field Plan be updated to reflect the proper bill splits?...
  9. Separate EPA Numbers for COPAK Setup

    Q.  How can a COPAK chemical product that is a combination of separately registered products be setup in Agvance so individual Hazmats may be printed for each registered product? In this scenario, the COPAK product is used on purchasing and sales t...
  10. Importing a Layer to a Field without Clipping

    Q.  How can a layer or shapefile be imported to a field without clipping it to the field’s boundary? A.  In Agvance Mapping, select a specific grower and field associated with a shapefile, or if the shapefile is generic and not specific to any fi...