Replacing a Terminal Server

There are special considerations to take into account when selecting and installing a new terminal server running the Agvance program files.

Selecting a New Terminal Server

Before purchasing a server, review the Agvance Hardware Recommendations article, which has a section devoted to Remote Desktop Services.  

Take into account any non-Agvance software running on the old server that may have its own hardware requirements.

Mapped Network Drives

Review current drive mappings for users on the old server to find out for what they are used. It is important that the drive letter used for the Agvance database does not change when the server is replaced. If the drive letter will change, call SSI Support for help updating prior year databases with the new drive letter.

Configuration Files

Agvance stores some printer and module preference information in a configuration file in each user’s Windows profile on the terminal server.  Locate these files in advance so they can easily be copied over when the new server is installed.

A trick to finding the correct folder is to log in to the terminal server as the user in question and type %appdata% into the Start menu prompt or Windows Explorer address bar.

Version Configuration File Name Typical Location (Windows Server 2008)
4.5 agvance.ini C:\users\Username\Windows
5.0 user.config C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SSI\Agvance\

Agvance Interfaces

Windows Scheduled Tasks

Some customers have custom or standard Agvance interfaces that run automatically as Windows scheduled tasks. Check the Task Scheduler on the old server to identify any tasks that need set up on the new server.  

COM Port Communications

Some Agvance interfaces operate through COM port connections to scale or automated blender equipment. Identify these connections on the old server so they can be set up again on the new server. It is recommended to set up and test the COM ports before the old server is taken out of service.

Examples of interfaces with COM port connections:

  • Accounting and Grain Scale Interfaces
  • Ranco Blender Interface
  • Cash drawer on point of sale computer

Interface Settings and Paths

Any company with an Agvance interface ought to take screenshots of their interface configuration before the new server is installed, to make sure that the configuration is the same on the new server before using that interface for the first time.  

The settings will typically include an import or export path.  Make note of these paths so they can be set up on the new server.

Some commonly used interfaces:

  • Accounting and Grain Scale Interfaces (Setup / Configure Scale Interface)
  • Ranco Blend Interface (Ranco Setup then Panel Setup buttons at Blending / Utilities / Automated Blender Interface)
  • MyFarmRecords.NET (Hub / Transfers / Export / To Web)
  • Touchstar (Energy / Setup / FuelWare)
  • CFN Interface (each Profile on the Setup tab at Accounting / Transfers / Import / Gasboy CFN)
  • CTM Interface (Accounting / Transfers / Import / CTM and RRSSetup.exe on the CTM tab)
  • Gasboy Interface (Accounting / Transfers / Import / Invoice ASCII Files)
    • If HyperTerminal was used to collect the file from the pump on the old server, make arrangements for this connection on the new server if possible.
    • Windows7 and Windows Server 2008R2 may not be able to save HyperTerminal profiles.
    • Setting up HyperTerminal on a workstation rather than the terminal  server may be preferrable.
  • Passport Interface (Accounting / Transfers / Import / Gilbarco Passport Invoices)
  • Meppel Interface (both tabs at Accounting / Transfers / Export / EDI Sales / Meppel-DE)

Setting Agvance up on the New Server

These tasks must be completed before Users can run Agvance on the new server:

  1. Log in with administrative rights and map a network drive to the data server using the same letter and path the Users will use.
  2. Install Agvance. To retrieve the installation file and documentation, have an Agvance User who is authorized to check for updates access the Agvance customer website through the Agvance Hub on the old server and select the Install Center button.
  3. Copy the user.config or agvance.ini files from the old terminal server.
  4. For each User, set the Short Date format to mm/dd/yyyy in the Region and Language area of the Control Panel. The exact path to this setting depends on the server’s operating system version.
  5. For each User, set up the Agvance mapped network drive and COM ports. This and the preceding step may be done with a login script or group policy.
  6. Contact SSI to activate Agvance licenses on the new server.
  7. It is recommended to leave the old server in place and switch Users to the new server in groups of three or four over a period of days or weeks.

Testing New Setup

The hardware tech should run the following tests to make sure the new server is properly configured for Agvance:

  • Make sure each User can successfully connect to the new server.
  • Make sure each User can log into Agvance.
  • Make sure each User can print and that Agvance documents are printing from the correct printer trays.
  • Have at least one User try printing a couple reports from the Accounting module.