New Articles

  1. SKY Warehouse - Inventory at Your Fingertips Webinar

    Replace your manual inventory processes with the new Warehouse app, the SKY replacement for Mobile Inventory. Warehouse brings new user experiences and capabilities for both agronomy warehouses and retail stores from a smart phone, tablet or ruggedi...
  2. Mobile Energy - Void/Rebill

    Select View Tickets . Highlight the ticket with the error and choose Void/Rebill . This message will display: Select Yes to continue with the void or No to cancel. The standard ticket window will display. The following can be cha...
  3. Grower360 Commodities

    Delivered, unsettled Grain Commodities on the customer's account can be quickly viewed from the Grain Balances cards. Additional information on available Commodities can be found here .  This area of the menu only displays if a customer has Grai...
  4. Grower360 Balances

    An overview of the customer's balances can be viewed from the Balances area. Net Due The Net Due card displays the current amount due on the customer's account. The Net Due amount is the Regular Balance less the Unapplied Credit balanc...
  5. Grower360 Resources

    Attachments and Documents made visible to Grower360 from SKY Customer are available on the Resources tab. The Grower Summary report from Agvance can also be sent to the Resources area in Grower360. For details on sending this report from Agvanc...
  6. Linking Customers to SKY Mapping

    Navigate to the Agvance Hub Select the following: Setup Menu Company Preferences Company Preferences Select the API and Mapping Interface Tabs Choose the Select button The Select Customers box will open Use Filters to sel...
  7. Agvance Hardware Overview

    The following documentation should be used as a guide when buying new hardware for use with Agvance ® . Equipment of lesser specifications could yield unsatisfactory results. Call SSI for clarification on existing hardware. These are general recom...
  8. Agvance Scale Interface Manual

    Agvance Scale Interface is used to capture digital scale readings in Agvance Scale tickets. This interface can run on a stand-alone machine (connected to the scale) or a machine on the network. The user can put in as much (or as little) information ...
  9. Instructions for Emailing via Bulk Email Service

    Errors are occurring when sending documents using a company's existing mail service provider. To help address this situation as quickly as possible, SSI researched and tested a way to allow companies to use a bulk email service instead of their ex...
  10. SKY Mapping Report Book Setup

    SKY Mapping reports can be grouped into books giving the ability to more easily print a specific set of reports that they use most often. Steps to create report books are as follows: Select Report Books from the Setup menu. Select the +  ...