Heating Degree Days

Determining Heating Degree Days

When using the Energy module, heating degree day information can be found for individual locations using a variety of websites including http://www.degreedays.net/.

Enter the necessary information, and select Generate Degree Days. When the information is ready, it may be downloaded into an Excel file.

A local newspaper or power company may also be able to provide this information.


See here for Heating Degree Day FAQs.

Navigate to Energy / Setup / Heating Degree Days.

  • Location – Specify the Location for the Heating Degree Days.
  • Date – Enter the date by typing it in (mm/dd/yyyy format) or select the Arrow icon to choose the date from the calendar.
  • Heating Degree Days – Enter the number of Heating Degree Days for the specified Location.
  • Select Date Range – This shows Heating Degree Days for the selected date range.
  • Print – Preview or print the report containing Heating Degree Days for the specified date range.
  • Create Summer Entries – Enter the Start Date and End Date for the summer entries. Select Create Entries to automatically make a 0 Heating Degree Day entry for each day within the specified date range.

When 1000 entries have been made, no more will be accepted. Highlight and delete the oldest dates in the list. For a record of the days being removed, run a report before deleting.

Select the first entry to delete and drag the mouse down to highlight and delete multiple entries.