Grain Preferences

This setup area allows configuring various defaults and settings to customize the program to the company’s preferences.

Edit configurations at Setup / Preferences.


  • Scale Tickets – The last report number and posting date are both updated when Scale Tickets are posted. The Scale Tickets are posted at End of Periods / Grain Posting / Post Scale Tickets.
  • Settlements – The last report number and posting date are both updated when the Settlements are posted. The Settlements are posted at End of Periods / Grain Posting / Post Settlements.
  • Shipments – The last report number and posting date are both updated when the Shipments are posted. The Shipments are posted at End of Periods / Grain Posting / Post Shipments.
  • Ship Settlements – The last report number and posting date are both updated when the Shipment Settlements are posted. The Shipment Settlements are posted at End of Periods / Grain Posting / Post Shipment Settlements.
  • DPR/TPR – The last report number and posting date are both updated when the DPR is posted. The DPR is posted at End of Periods / DPR Posting, Grain Reports / Daily Position Reports / Daily Position, or Grain Reports / Daily Position Reports / Combined DPR/TPR when Update DPR is selected.
  • Rollup Location Inventory to Open Storage on DPR – When using the Add Locations for Same Commodity Together preference on the DPR reports, the inventory of the location selected has its own line on the DPR called Open Storage (Location).
  • Minutes before Settlement Print Window Unloads – This option sets a delay where all processing is locked until the paperwork for a Settlement is printed after saving. This helps ensure the proper documents (ex. Warehouse Receipts) print for one user before another asks for the same document.
  • "Grade" GF – If a U.S. Grade is set to calculate on Scale Tickets, select the grade factor that represents U.S. Grade. Setup is found at Setup / Commodities by selecting Grades.
  • Current Year – This is used in the Grain P&L reports to calculate the previous year by subtracting one from current. The current year is also used to determine year to post grain ledger history.
  • Settlement Check Top Margin Adjustment – This adjusts the location of printing on a Settlement check. This is to assist in the optimum check alignment.
  • Name to Print for Statements of Income – Optionally enter the name to print as the header on the Income Statement at GL Posting Reports / Profit and Loss Statement / Statements of Income Comparative.
  • Priced Later Alternate Name – To replace the Priced Later label on the Combined DPR/TPR Net Balance report and Grain Scale Interface Full Page - 2up6 printout, enter the alternate verbiage in this area.
  • Include account reference when printing settlement checks to PrintBoss – Checking this option includes the Checking Account ID on the check to ensure PrintBoss has the correct checking account to print on the check. A new PrintBoss template is needed to use this preference as well as some setup in PrintBoss.
  • Default List Box Filters – Enter the number of days for each type of transaction. This controls the number of transactions that fill the list box.
  • Setup Preprinted WHR – These are options available to print on the federally approved Warehouse Receipt.
  • Grade Factor – Select the grade factor for each commodity that matches the grade factors listed on the Warehouse Receipt printout.
  • Remarks – Enter remarks pertaining to the Warehouse Receipt.
  • Charges – Enter the claim of charges and liabilities.
  • Signature – Enter the name of the company's authorized Warehouse Receipt signer, if the printed name may be a replacement for the signature.
  • Require reason for changes – When checked, users are required to enter a reason why certain changes or deletions were made. A log is also maintained indicating which user made the changes, when the changes were made, and the reason entered at the time the change was made.
  • Separate Shrink from Dockage – Marking this option automatically separates Shrinkage from Dockage. If not marked, both shrink and dockage calculate from gross units. If it is marked, dockage calculates off the gross and then shrink is calculated on the difference of gross minus dockage units.
  • Allow the canceling of “Use Average” for all grade factor values when settling – If checked, when saving a Settlement, an option appears to override Use Average for all the grade factors on the Settlement.

Grain Storage and Service Invoices

  • Default Terms – Optionally select a term from the list which defaults into Invoices created from grain transactions. Terms are set up at Hub / Setup / Payment Terms.
  • Default Due Date – Optionally enter the default Due Date to appear on an Invoice when it is created from Grain.

Installment Sale/Deferred Payment

  • Default Due Date – If there is a specific Due Date for the Installment Sale/Deferred Payment, enter it here. When adding an Installment Sale/Deferred Payment, the Due Date defaults to this date.
  • Commodity Cross Ref. – These are the labels that appear on the cross reference fields for commodities. For instance, if using a cross reference for the e-ADM function, change the label to reflect the cross ref name to clarify the use of that data element when adding a commodity.
  • Commodity Classifications – Select to add, edit or delete a commodity classification. Use classifications for filtering or selecting subsets of commodities.
  • Bin Classifications – Select to add, edit, or delete a bin classification. Use classifications for filtering or selecting subsets of bins.

Custom Contracts

  • Custom Contracts – Custom Contracts can be set up for different Format Types in Grain. See here for more information.


  • Settlement – Select the format to use when printing the Scale Ticket detail on the Settlement. This is only used when Settlement Source is Scale Ticket.
  • Assembly Sheet – Select the format to use when printing the Assembly detail on the Settlement.
  • Change Settlement Format if Multiple Source Types – This is available only if the Settlement Type is set to Scale Ticket. When this option is selected and a mix of Settlement sources exist, the Assembly detail prints. When this option is not selected and a mix of Settlement sources exist, the Scale Ticket format is used.
  • Enable Minimum Commodity Price Checking – Select to use the minimum price set on the commodity for checking prices on priced Scale Tickets, priced Purchase Contracts, and priced Settlements (Priced, Installment Sale, and Deferred Payment).
  • Enable Maximum Commodity Price Checking – Select to use the maximum price set on the commodity for checking prices on priced Scale Tickets, priced Purchase Contracts, and priced Settlements (Priced, Installment Sale, and Deferred Payment).
  • Warn if Settlement Date before Installment Sale date – Selecting this option gives a warning message if the Settlement date is earlier than the Installment Sale date when settling an Installment Sale before it is due.
  • Warn if Settlement Date before Deferred Payment date – Selecting this option gives a warning message if the Settlement date is earlier than the deferred payment due date when settling a deferred payment before it is due.
  • Save Farm Info to Comments on Settlement in Add Mode – When this option is selected, the Farm information is saved to the destination record and noted in the Comments on the Settlement.
  • Zero dollar checks consume a check number – Optionally select if zero dollar checks should consume a check number.
  • Default Next Settlement Check Number – Select to default the next check number on the Settlement and Direct Shipment window’s Settlement.
  • Allow Blank Priced Check Number – Optionally allow priced Settlements to be saved without a check number. A check number is required on the Settlement before it is posted to the general ledger.
  • Require Purchase Contract Delivery Dates – Selecting this option requires a Delivery Date to be entered on the Purchase Contract before the contract is saved.
  • Verify Customers on Purchase Contracts – Marking this option verifies the Purchase Contract has the same customer as the Assembly Sheet split.
  • Calculate Purchase Contract Cash Price – Selecting this option calculates the Cash Price on the Purchase Contract when the contract type is Priced and both futures and basis prices have been entered. The Cash Price is calculated as Futures Price plus Basis Price. The calculated cash price may be changed if necessary.
  • Print ‘Reprint’ on Reprinted Contracts – Select this option to print a notation of Reprint on contracts that are reprinted.
  • Print Location Heading on Purchase Contract – Optionally select to print the location as the heading on the Purchase Contract. This prints on program preprinted contract formats only – custom contracts have their own options.
  • Include Unsigned Contracts (PL, BF, MP) in Open Storage – Select to include open Settlement/Assembly units that reference unsigned Priced Later, Basis Fixed, or Minimum Priced Contracts in the Open Storage Liability section of the DPR.
  • Create Assembly Sheet from Purchase Contract – Optionally select this to have the program automatically create an Assembly Sheet when a Purchase Contract is created. It uses the Purchase Contract number as the Assembly number.
  • Ignore One Cent Deductions on Invoiced Amounts – When selected, Settlement Deductions for one cent, which sometimes occur due to rounding, calculations are discarded from the Settlement.
  • Pop up customer notes at settlement – Selecting this option displays the notes from the Profile tab of the customer file when the customer is selected for a Settlement.
  • Mark assembly unavailable after settlement – When selected, once an Assembly has been settled, additional Scale Tickets are not able to be entered against the Assembly.
  • Validate Tax ID on Save of Priced, PNP, DP, and IS Settlements – With this option selected, when saving a Priced, Priced-Not-Paid, Deferred Payment, or Installment Sales Settlement, a warning appears if the customer has a blank or invalid Tax ID on file.
  • Roll Grain Tax Deductions on DP/IS Settlement – This option defaults to roll the grain tax on deferred payment and Installment Sale Settlements.
  • Delivery Date range for purchase contract application – This allows specific contracts to be viewed when applying contracts to Assembly Sheets, Scale Tickets, or Settlements. Options are:
    • All – All contracts are available to use.
    • Actual – The current date must be within the contract’s Delivery Date range to be available to use.
    • Current Date – Contracts with a Start Delivery Date of today’s date or earlier are available to use.
    • Current Month – Contracts with a Start Delivery Date in the current month or earlier are available to use.
    • Next Month – Contracts with a Start Delivery Date for the next month or earlier are available to be used.
    • 30 Days – Contracts with a Start Delivery Date of 30 days in the future or earlier are available to use.
    • 60 Days – Contracts with a Start Delivery Date of 60 days in the future or earlier are available to use.
    • 90 Days – Contracts with a Start Delivery Date of 90 days in the future or earlier are available to use.

Grain Bank

  • Method of Negative Grain Bank Checking – Select a method for checking negative Grain Bank when saving Invoices, Grain Bank Shipments, and Settlements.
  • Don’t Check – This option does not check for negative Grain Bank balances.
  • Warn Only – This checks the customer’s Grain Bank balance to determine if a transaction will create a negative balance. If the balance is negative, a warning message appears asking if the transaction should continue.
  • Disallow – This checks the customer’s Grain Bank balance to determine if a transaction will create a negative balance. If the balance is negative, a message appears stating the transaction will not be saved.
  • Grain Bank Source Balances from – Select how Grain Bank balances are checked - company-wide or by location.

Scale Ticket Entry

  • Verify Net Weight – With this selected, the net weight must be entered. A warning appears if the Gross minus the Tare is not equal to the Net.
  • Calculate Net Weight – With this option selected, the Net weight is automatically calculated from the Gross and Tare.
  • Suppress printing on save – With this selected, when saving a Scale Ticket, there is no prompt to print the ticket.
  • Require Shrink/Dock Calculation Before Save of Scale Ticket – This option requires Shrink/Dockage to be selected to recalculate before saving a Scale Ticket. A message is only displayed when selecting in the Grade Factor grid of the Scale Ticket.
  • Allow Changing of the Scale Ticket Number When Not Posted – If this option is selected, the Scale Ticket number is able to be changed until it is posted.
  • Enable Scale Ticket Splitting – Select to allow a Scale Ticket to be split into multiple Assembly Sheets. In Grain, splitting is available only when adding a Scale Ticket. In the Grain Scale Interface, splitting is available when importing tickets into Agvance Grain.
  • Across Locations – Select this option for the ability to select an Assembly from another location when splitting tickets.
  • Do Not Default Assembly Price on Any Scale Ticket Disposition – Optionally select to keep the Assembly Sheet default price from defaulting into the Base Price of Scale Tickets when any of the open / unsettled split lines that apply to this Scale Ticket are priced without a contract. Before the ticket may be saved, a positive, non-zero spot price as the Base Price must be entered. This preference is also enforced in the Grain Scale Interface when an Assembly is being selected on the Scale Ticket window or during the import of Scale Tickets into Agvance Grain.
  • Require Price on Non-Contracted Priced Scale Tickets – This option is available when the Do Not Default Assembly Price on Any Scale Ticket Disposition option is selected. When selected, the price is required at the save of Priced Scale Tickets.
  • Assembly Sheet Default DPR – Select a DPR type to default in on the Assembly Sheet when adding a new Assembly.
  • Select; Location Source – Select how the location filter defaults on the single Select Assembly Sheet window. Select All if always wanting to see Assemblies from all locations. Select Log In to see all locations or the current location depending on the default setting at Hub / Setup / User on the General Restrictions tab. Select User to default to the last location selected by the user.

Reshrink Options

  • Reshrink Units At Settlement Based On Averages – For those who settle by Scale Ticket only, selecting this option causes (at Settlement time) the net bushels to be re-shrunk at that moment based on the overall shrink grade factors (normally moisture) for all tickets being settled instead of a ticket by ticket shrink. A company-owned inventory adjustment for the difference is made.
  • Location – The Reshrink Options are set by location. Select the location and then select the Shrink and Drying options in the grid for the specified location.
  • Do not enforce the Reshrink of the Priced Group @ Settlement (PR, IS, DP,PNP) – With this option checked, choosing Reshrink is not required on the Settlement when settling to Priced, Installment Sale, Deferred Payment, and Price Not Paid.
  • DPR Destination Grid – Select which DPR destinations use the shrink or drying tables. When Shrink or Drying is checked, enter a shrink or drying schedule.
  • Flat Fee PD Schedule – If a flat fee applies to every Settlement, such as a weighing fee or an inspection fee, enter the Schedule name that applies to the Premium/Discount Schedule.
  • Default Expire Date number of days – This option allows the number of days to be entered to default an Expiration Date on Basis Fixed, Priced Later, or Minimum Priced Purchase Contracts or Settlement Contracts. The Expiration Date is set based on the Date Established on the contracts.


  • Default Shipment Settlement GL Debit Acct. – This defaults this G/L account entered on the Shipment Settlement tab. This is the Cash on Hand (undeposited cash) or checking account number. Use of the Cash on Hand account is more desirable so the effect on the checking account is made when the deposit is posted rather than for every shipment check received.
  • Default Shipment Customer ID – Select a customer to default on a shipment.
  • Do not default weight/units when entering multiple shipments – Select this option if the Gross Weight, Tare Weight, Estimated Weight, and Estimated Units should default in as blank when entering back to back truck shipments.
  • Print Sales Contracts on Entry – Selecting this option gives the ability to print as the Contract is saved when adding a new Sales Contract. With this option not selected, the Contract is saved but not printed.
  • Require Sales Contract Delivery Dates – This option requires a Delivery Date to be entered on the Sales Contract before the contract is saved.
  • Allow contracts to be selected earlier than Starting Delivery Date by X days – When a number is entered, Sales Contracts with a Start Delivery Date on the contract within this number of days are available to apply to a Shipment or Shipment Settlement.
  • Allow contracts to be selected later than End Delivery Date by X days – When a number is entered, Sales Contracts with an End Delivery Date on the contract within this number of days are available to apply to a Shipment or Shipment Settlement.
  • Warn if Ship Date before Start Delivery Date – Selecting this option gives a warning when attempting to save a Shipment with a Sales Contract that has a Starting Delivery Date later than the Shipment Date.
  • Always use Shipment Price on Shipment Settlements – Select this option to have the price on the Shipment default to the price on the Shipment Settlement. When this option is not selected, the price for a Shipment line on the Shipment Settlement defaults to the contract price if a contract was used on the Shipment. This happens when Shipments are added to the grid or when Shipments are split.
  • Allow “Direct In” to NOT equal “Direct Out” – This option allows the DPR to be updated when the Direct In and Direct Out lines on the combined DPR/TPR are not equal.
  • Shipment Invoice calculates from commodity units – When this preference is enabled and the Shipment commodity unit of measure is the same as the product unit of measure, the units and prices carry forward to the Invoice in Accounting.


  • Default Grain Ledger GL Account – Select a default general ledger account for the Grain Ledger GL Account. This Grain Ledger GL Account is found at Setup / Grain Ledger Accounts on the Grain G/L tab by selecting Set all blank account numbers to Default Grain Ledger GL Account.
  • Post Purchases 1 JE per Settlement – This option creates one journal entry per Settlement check which is often helpful when reconciling bank accounts.
  • Post Settlements Live – Selecting this option posts Settlements to the DPR without going through grain posting. Settlements are automatically posted when saved and not as part of End of Day Procedures.
  • Deferred Payment Period – This is available only when the Post Settlements Live preference is selected. This is used when preparing Settlements/cutting checks for Deferred Payment and Installment Sales in advance of the payment due date to avoid payment delays to customers. When checked, the program STOPS grain posting for any Settlements where the Settlement source lines are exclusively Settlement sources of Deferred Payments or Installment Sales, the Settlement destination DPR for each Settlement source line is Priced, and the Settlement date entered is a date in the future (a date after the system date). These Settlements do not grain post until manually posting through that Settlement date when doing grain posting.
  • Post Shipments & Advances 1 JE Per Transaction – This creates one journal entry per Shipment Settlement. This is helpful when reconciling the bank deposit in the Accounting module.
  • GL Posting Reports – Create Reversing JE in New Year – Select this option to have open unpriced and priced Assemblies and Shipment in-transit journal entries from month 12, automatically make reversing journal entries in the next year.
  • Post Grain Inventory and Merchandise in 1 Journal Entry – This creates one journal entry for each Grain Inventory and Merchandise Inventory posting on reports.
  • GL Posting Reports Option New Page Each Commodity – With this option selected, the GL Posting Reports start a new page for each commodity. Reports included are the Grain Purchase Report, Grain Storage Report, Grain Shipment Report, and In-Transit Shipment Report. The New Page Each Commodity option on the Report Criteria screens defaults as selected but may be changed as needed.
  • Update History From – When running the Profit and Loss (Final) Report and the Update Grain Ledger History option is used, the history is updated by the option selected.
  • Store Receipts – When this option is selected, the history is updated based on the units received. (Scale Tickets)
  • Store Purchases – When this option is selected, the history is updated based on the units purchased (Settlements).
  • Do you post inventory to GL monthly? – If using Agvance Full Accounting (and, as recommended, posting inventory to G/L at the end of each month), then select this option. This affects how some Grain Profit and Loss Reports work.
  • Automatically Transfer Scale Interface Tickets When Valid – With this preference selected, when a Scale Ticket is saved in the Scale Interface module, if it is complete and ready for transfer, the ticket is automatically transferred to the Grain module and affects the DPR.

Location Preferences

  • Location – Choose the Location from the drop-down.
  • Legal Name Verbiage – Information entered here will be used on the Scale Ticket Settlement document and Deferred Payment contract. This option is only available in STLM.
  • Default Amendment Format – The Amendment format selected here will default when printing a Purchase Contract Amendment.
  • Default Broker – Double-click to select a Default Broker (Vendor). When adding a Futures/Options Contract, based on the location of the transaction, the Default Broker will be selected as long as it is currently marked as Active. If the current vendor is NOT marked as Active, saving will not be an option.
  • Require MOT – When checked, the Method of Transportation is required in order to save a Purchase Contract, Sales Contract, and/or Shipment.
  • Settlement Print Options – Use the checkboxes to indicate what should be printed on the Grain Settlement documents.