Grain Custom Contracts

Custom Contracts can be set up for different Format Types in Grain on the General tab at Grain / Setup / Preferences.

  • Format Type – Select a Format Type from the list.
  • Format Name – Enter a name for this custom contract. This name displays in the list on the Print window.
  • Title – Enter a title to appear on the Contract. This prints at the top of the Contract.
  • Sub Title – Enter a subtitle to appear on the Contract.
  • Print Location/Company In Header – Select to print the location or company in the header of the report.
  • Centered – If the company or location should be centered in the header of the report, select this option.

Purchase/Sales Contract Options

Note: These options are only available if the Form Type is Purchase Contract.

  • Print Location Under Contract # – Select to print the location of contract under the contract number on Purchase Contracts.
  • Print Exchange – Select to print the exchange on the contract.
  • Do Not Print Basis If It Is Zero – Select to not print the basis price if it is zero.
  • Do Not Print Cash Price if it is Zero – Select to not print the cash price if it is zero.
  • Print Bid Criteria – Select to print the bid criteria on Purchase Contracts.
  • Print Pricing Notes – Select to print text from the pricing notes area on the Purchase Contracts.
  • Print City, State – Select to print the city and state with the location under the contract number on Purchase Contracts.
  • Do not Print Futures Price if it is Zero – Select to not print the futures price if it is zero.
  • Suppress Futures/Basis Info If Priced – Select to not print the futures and basis information if the contract is priced.
  • Print Grain Dealer Lic # – Select to optionally print the grain dealer's license number on the contract. The grain dealer's license number is set up in the Hub or Accounting at Setup / Locations on the Profile tab. This defaults as left justified in the header.
  • Print Grain Warehouse Lic # – Select to print the grain warehouse license number on the contract. The grain warehouse license number is set up in the Hub or Accounting at Setup / Locations on the Profile tab. This defaults as left justified in the header.
  • Print Gross, Dockage and Net – This option is available for the Negotiable Warehouse Receipt Custom Contract. Selecting this option prints these amounts on the custom contract.
  • Right Justify Grain Dealer Lic # – Select to right justify the grain dealer license number in the header.
  • Right Justify Grain Warehouse Lic # – Select to right justify the grain warehouse license number in the header.
  • Print Interest Rate Terms – Select to print interest rate terms on the Installment Sale or Deferred Payment Contract. This option is only available on the Installment Sale and Deferred Payment Contract setup.
  • Print Most Recent Comment Only – Check this option if only the last comment added should print on the contract. This option is only available on the Custom Purchase Contract setup.
  • Print Price By Date – Selecting this option prints the Price By dates from the Purchase Contracts on the custom contract.
  • Print Expire Date – This option prints the Expiration Date entered on the Purchase Contract on the custom contract.
  • Print grade factor / schedule – Select to Print grade factor only, Print schedule info only, or Do not print grade factor or schedule info on the custom contract.
  • Print Seller Address – This option is available for Installment Sales Contracts, Deferred Payment and Priced Not Paid Settlements. Select to print Address 1, Address 2, or Address 3 from the customer file on the custom contract.
  • Expand Terms / No Footer – This option is available for the Settlements to Neg. Warehouse Receipt Format Type. When selected, the space for the terms is expanded. The Notice to Seller and signature line areas at the bottom are removed.
  • Terms – Enter the terms to appear on the contract. Checking the Print Second Page Terms option gives the ability to print terms on the front and back of the Purchase Contract.
  • Font – Set the font for verbiage to be entered or select existing verbiage and then use this to modify the font in the Terms Information area.
  • Print Contract Initiator (Salesperson ID) above Buyer Name – Select to print the Salesperson’s ID on the Purchase Contract.
  • Print A Box Around The Notice To Seller – Select to optionally print a box around the information entered for Notice to Seller.
  • Notice to Seller – Enter information to appear on the Contract.
  • Font – Select the text and choose Font to modify the font for the Notice to Seller.
    Note: Reprinting a contract under the corresponding operation will display a contract with viewable data.
  • Print Test Page – Select to print a test page of the contract.
  • Custom Contracts – Shipment BOL Terms – When printing shipments, there is an option of printing a bill of lading. Select this format to set up a custom bill of lading document.
  • Print Location Under Contract # – Select to print the location of contract under the contract number on Purchase Contracts.
  • Print Exchange – Select to print the exchange on the contract.
  • Do Not Print Basis If It Is Zero – Select to not print the basis price if it is zero.
  • Do Not Print Cash Price if it is Zero – Select to not print the cash price if it is zero.
  • Print Bid Criteria – Select to print the bid criteria on Purchase Contracts.
  • Print Pricing Notes – Select to print text from the pricing notes area on the Purchase Contracts.
  • Print City, State – Select to print the city and state with the location under the contract number on Purchase Contracts.
  • Do not Print Futures Price if it is Zero – Select to not print the futures price if it is zero.
  • Suppress Futures/Basis Info If Priced – Select to not print the futures and basis information if the contract is priced.
  • Print Grain Dealer Lic # – Select to optionally print the grain dealer's license number on the contract. The grain dealer's license number is setup in the Hub or Accounting at Setup / Locations on the Profile tab. This defaults as left justified in the header.
  • Print Grain Warehouse Lic # – Select to print the grain warehouse license number on the contract. The grain warehouse license number is set up in the Hub or Accounting at Setup / Locations on the Profile tab. This defaults as left justified in the header.
  • Print Gross, Dockage and Net – This option is available for the Negotiable Warehouse Receipt Custom Contract. Selecting this option prints these amounts on the custom contract.
  • Right Justify Grain Dealer Lic # – Select to right justify the grain dealer license number in the header.
  • Right Justify Grain Warehouse Lic # – Select to right justify the grain warehouse license number in the header.
  • Print Interest Rate Terms – Select to print interest rate terms on the Installment Sale or Deferred Payment Contract. This option is only available on the Installment Sale and Deferred Payment Contract setup.
  • Print Most Recent Comment Only – Check this if only the last comment added should print on the contract. This option is only available on the Custom Purchase Contract setup.
  • Print Price By Date – Selecting this option prints the Price By dates from the Purchase Contracts on the custom contract.
  • Print Expire Date – This option prints the Expiration Date entered on the Purchase Contract on the custom contract.
  • Print grade factor / schedule – Select to Print grade factor only, Print schedule info only, or Do not print grade factor or schedule info on the custom contract.
  • Print Seller Address – This option is available for Installment Sales Contracts, Deferred Payment, and Priced Not Paid Settlements. Select to print Address 1, Address 2, or Address 3 from the customer file on the custom contract.
  • Expand Terms / No Footer – This option is available for the Settlements to Neg. Warehouse Receipt Format Type. When selected, the space for the terms is expanded. The Notice to Seller and signature line areas at the bottom are removed.
  • Terms – Enter the terms to appear on the contract.
  • Font – Set the font for verbiage to be entered or select existing verbiage and choose Font to modify the font in the Terms Information area.
  • Print Contract Initiator (Salesperson ID) above Buyer Name – Select to print the Salesperson’s ID on the Purchase Contract.
  • Print A Box Around The Notice To Seller – Select to optionally print a box around the information entered for Notice to Seller.
  • Notice to Seller – Enter information to appear on the Contract.
  • Font – Select the text and choose this to modify the font for the Notice to Seller.
    Note: Reprinting a contract under the corresponding operation will display a contract with viewable data.
  • Print Test Page – Print a test page of the contract.
  • Custom Contracts – Shipment BOL Terms – When printing shipments, there is an option of printing a bill of lading. Select this format to set up a custom bill of lading document.
  • Format Name – This defaults to BOL.
  • Copy Notation 1-4 – Optionally set up the Copy notation that prints at the bottom of each copy of the bill of lading. For example, enter Office Copy in the Copy Notation 1 field and Office Copy prints at the bottom of the first copy of the bill of lading document. If nothing is set up for Copy Notation 2-4, Extra Copy prints at the bottom.
  • Terms – Enter the terms that print on each bill of lading.
  • Change Font – Highlight the Terms text to change font. Choose this to select the font, font style, size, and effects to be applied to the selected text.
  • Futures Web Service Setup – This provides the setup for importing futures information from AgriCharts and DTN. The company must subscribe to AgriCharts or DTN for this service. Please contact SSI for assistance on setting up this feature.


Obligation Document (Custom Format)

Navigate to Grain / Setup / Preferences. On the General tab in the Custom Contracts drop-down, select Obligations. Here, a custom format can be added, edited, or deleted.

Selecting Add opens the Add Custom Format for Obligations window.

  1. Enter the Format Name. This will be used when selecting the format on the Obligation and Setup windows and is a required field.
  2. Optionally enter the Title and Sub Title.
  3. The Print Location or Company will print in the upper left-hand corner unless Centered is selected.
    Note: If logos are set up for the Location on the Logo tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences, the logo will be printed instead.
  4. Select the Obligation Type from the drop-down. This format can only be used for the Obligation Type selected.
  5. Check any of the applicable Obligation Options.
  6. Enter the Terms of the Obligation.
    Note: An option is available to print the terms on a second page (Print Second Page Terms). Enter these terms in the Second Page Terms area. Check the Print Second Page Terms preference for this field to be enabled.
  7. Enter the Notice to Seller information. If applicable, check the printing options available for this section.

When editing this Custom Format, all information can be modified except for the Obligation Type if the format has been used on an Obligation.

Obligation Amendment Document (Custom Format)

Navigate to Grain / Setup / Preferences. On the General tab in the Custom Contracts drop-down, select Obligation Amendment. Here, a custom format can be added, edited, or deleted.

Selecting Add opens the Add Custom Format for Obligations window.

  1. Enter the Format Name. This will be used when selecting the format on the Setup window and is a required field.
  2. Optionally enter the Title and Sub Title.
  3. The Print Location or Company will print in the upper left-hand corner unless Centered is selected.
    Note: If logos are set up for the Location on the Logo tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences, the logo will be printed instead.
  4. Select the Obligation Type from the drop-down. This format can only be used for the Obligation Type selected.
  5. Check any of the applicable Obligation Options.
  6. Enter the Terms of the Obligation.
    Note: An option is available to print the terms on a second page (Print Second Page Terms). Enter these terms in the Second Page Terms area. Check the Print Second Page Terms preference for this field to be enabled.
  7. Enter the Notice to Seller information. If applicable, check the printing options available for this section.

When editing this Custom Format, all information can be changed.