Using Generic Prepay Automatically at Invoicing

A Booking may be entered for a lump sum of money and be specified as a Generic Booking. This allows the prepay money to be automatically used on an Invoice depending on how the Generic Prepay Booking type is set up.

The first step is to set up Generic Booking Types at Accounting / Setup / A/R / Generic Prepay Types.

Enter a name for the Generic Prepay Type and select the Product that will represent this type. Next, specify if this Generic Prepay Type may be used on All Products or only those for specific Products with these classifications. If the Product Classification option is selected, check the applicable Classification(s) in the grid.

Enter the Booking at Accounting / A/R / Product Bookings. Check the Generic Prepay checkbox and select the Generic Prepay Type, the Price Level and enter the total dollars in the Prepay Amount. Generic Prepay type Bookings may not be split between Customers.

Entering a Price Level allows the Product price to default in at the specified Price Level when the Generic Prepay Booking is being used.

Save the payment for the Booking at the roll through Payment on Account screen that comes up when the Booking is saved.

Important: The payment must be saved at the Roll Through Payment screen that displays or the booking will be automatically voided.

Prepay Bookings will be automatically selected in the following order at invoicing:

  • Specific Product Bookings that match the invoiced Product. All current rules apply.
  • Specific Product Bookings that have matching Product from a department related by a Sales Category (if this default preference is set).
  • Generic Prepay Type Booking set up for the Classification of the invoiced Product.