Updated Articles

  1. Scale Ticket Level Management Mode - Optional Information on a Grain Scale Ticket

    In Grain, there are two modes of operation: The Standard mode where Scale Tickets are directly associated to the Assembly, and Scale Ticket Level Management where Scale Tickets have an independent relationship to the Assembly. Setup for these two mo...
  2. Minnesota Department of Agriculture Online Reporting of Restricted Use Pesticides

    An online Minnesota Pesticide Sales report can be submitted from Agvance using the MN Restricted Use Pesticide report. Setup To use the report export function, each Product that will be reported must be tied to an MDA Number. Two Product Attribute...
  3. Advanced Deduction tied to a Grain Purchase Contract

    Tie an Advance to a Grain Purchase Contract (non-Priced Purchase Contracts only). Setup At Grain / Setup / Preferences on the Purchases tab, selecting the preference Advances on Contracts Only If Fully Delivered restricts the creatio...
  4. Grower360 Reordering Products

    If reordering Products is enabled in SKY Admin , Products can be reordered under the Ellipsis in the following places: Products/Product Details Invoices Bookings Fields Selecting this option navigates to the&...
  5. Batch Settlements Priced Scale Tickets

                                      The Batch Settle feature, located at Grain / Operations / Batch Settle , is designed to settle large...
  6. Hierarchy and Rules for Sales Tax Rate

    The following is the hierarchy for the sales tax rate used when invoicing and what general rules apply when using sales tax. The sales tax calculated on Invoices is dependent on a number of factors. Because so many elements can influence th...
  7. Finance Charges

    Finance Charges, although calculated automatically, may be monitored very closely as they post. Because this function generates an Invoice, a Product must be in the inventory for this purpose (generally called Finance Charge). Open Finance Charges,...
  8. Quick Ticket Receipts

    If the Use Worldpay option is selected at Accounting / Utilities / Worldpay and Quick Tickets are printing double the number of receipts set up in Quick Ticket Preferences (found by selecting Options  then Print # Copies at Accounti...
  9. Company Owned Value does not Match Asset Account Balance

    After posting Inventory to G/L, the Inventory Asset Account was updated to a number that doesn't match the Company Owned Inventory Statement for that Department. If that happens, check the following: Agvance uses the company-owned value of ...
  10. Blend Jobs in Schedules View - SKY Dispatch

    Use the Filters menu or Search field to narrow down jobs and the Viewing menu to switch between Blend and Delivery Tickets. Filter Applicators by using the Filter Applicators field. Optionally select the Condense Job Details toggl...