Updated Articles

  1.  Void / Reverse an AP Bill

    Void Overview Because an A/P bill cannot be edited, if a bill is entered incorrectly (and no payments have been made against the bill), it will need to be voided. How this is done depends on where the bill originated. The two cases are shown be...
  2. Vendor Management - SKY Admin

    Vendor management is available under the Vendor option in SKY Admin. Options available include Do not allow users to edit AP bill or view attachments if they are restricted from any GL account on the AP bill and Enable AP Approval process fo...
  3. March 2024 SKY Release Notes

    Admin SKYW-3856 / Grower360 Notifications Layout – Sent Notifications and Notification Settings cards have been added to the Notifications area in SKY Admin for Grower360. Dispatch SKYC-3250 / Drop-Down Autocomplete – W...
  4. Migrate Sales Contracts

    Non-priced Sales Contracts can be migrated to priced by going to Grain / Operations / Sales Contracts and selecting Migrate . The units for the new contract can be established as well as the Destination and FOB prices. If the s...
  5. API 7.0.25370 | 04.16.2024

    FTM-3735 / Mark Booking Signed by Customer – The POST Booking endpoint will now include the ability to set the Contract Signed property on the Booking split record.
  6. SKY Frequently Asked Questions

    Q.  What is Agvance SKY? A.  Agvance SKY represents the new platform for the next generation of SSI software and includes a combination of web and mobile native apps.  SKY applications feature a modern, intuitive user experience ...
  7. Calculation Of Discount On Partial Customer Payment

    Agvance calculates the discount as follows: (Amount to be paid less discount/ total due on the invoice less discount) * total amount of the discount Example 1 Customer has an invoice for $4,729.40 with a discount of $94.59 as displayed at the...
  8. EPA Audit Reports

    State auditors require a report with the following information: Dealer name Customer name EPA number Customer license expiration date Customer license number Amount of product sold. The amount can be summarized for the year. The report must...
  9. Employee Setup

    Any person who was employed by the company during the current calendar year should be entered into the system. Before payroll can be processed, there are several setup steps. Profile The Arrow icons at the bottom of the screen allow paging f...
  10. Product Cost Used on Sales Analysis and Sales Register

    These reports use the cost on the product at the time the Invoice was saved. It will either be the Invoice Cost, Average Cost, Last Cost, Replacement Cost, or Estimated Average Cost, depending on the cost setup on the Inventory Department for that...