Dual Monitors and Agvance Running as a Published App (Citrix or Server 2008)

Q.  Users with dual monitors may experience an issue with Citrix published applications or Server 2008 RemoteApps where the application will always open on the same monitor, and the user is unable to drag it to the other monitor.

A.  Terminal Services requires that both monitors be set up in a specific configuration in order to work properly with remote desktop sessions that are set to span dual monitors (stretch the remote desktop across both monitors when the user clicks the Maximize button) or with published applications that the user would like to display on either monitor.

To allow the user to drag the Published Application window to either monitor:

  1. Both monitors have to be set to the same resolution.
  2. The primary monitor must be the monitor on the upper left of the Configuration screen.

More information is available at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rds/archive/2006/11/10/multi-monitor-support-in-the-vista-ts-client.aspx.

If you are unable to configure your dual monitor system to meet the requirements above, another alternative would be to run Agvance in a standard Remote Desktop / Terminal Services session instead of as a Remote or Published Application. Depending on your hardware, you may be able to drag Terminal Services session windows between monitors regardless of individual monitor resolution or position. These types of sessions can be set to either give the end user a desktop on the server or automatically launch a program like Agvance on the server without providing a desktop. Please contact your hardware person for further assistance with setting up such a system.