Update In-Transit Shipments Utility

The In-Transit Shipment utility is a method to mass enter an In-Transit price for shipments that are In-Transit, without the need to edit every shipment. The process will update the In-Transit price on the shipment so that when running the In-Transit Shipment report, the In-Transit value will come into the report. 

Access the In-Transit Shipment utility by navigating to the Grain module. Select the Utilities tab and find the Update In-Transit Shipment option. 

While in the utility, select shipments to update by checking the Update checkbox or by hitting the Tag All button.


Optionally filter by Location and Commodity.


Priced Later Shipments and Contracts  - Shipment split lines with a Priced Later Sales Contract

Split Lines with Non-Priced Contract - Shipment split lines with any other type of Sales Contract and the From DPR of the shipment is not Priced Later

Split Lines With No Contract - Shipment split lines without a Sales Contract where the In Transit price on the shipment is zero and the From DPR of the shipment is not Priced Later

Split Lines With Priced Sales Contracts - Shipment split lines with a Priced Sales Contract where the FOB Price does not match the In-Transit price on the shipment and the From DPR of the shipment is not Priced Later. Note: This option will update the In-Transit price to the FOB price on the Sales Contract.

Once the appropriate filters are set, tag the shipments to update. Set the appropriate In-Transit price in the “Apply Defaults In-Transit Price” box. Selecting Save will update the In-Transit prices of the selected shipments.