Transportation Method Setup

Transportation Methods can be managed in Grain at Setup / Transportation Method. These methods can then be selected for Purchase Contracts, Sales Contracts, and Shipments.

To require the Transportation Method, navigate to Setup / Preferences and choose the Location Preferences tab. When the options there are checked, the method of transportation is required in order to save a Purchase Contract, Sales Contract, and/or Shipment. For more information on requiring the Transportation Method, see Grain Preferences.

From the Select a Transportation Method window, Add, Edit, or Delete Transportation Methods. Additionally, Transportation Methods can be marked as Inactive.

Note: Those marked as Inactive cannot be used on new transactions. However, they will remain on any transactions saved prior to inactivating that method.

Selecting Add opens the Add a Transportation Method window. Enter the Method Name and select Save.

Choosing Edit gives the option to update the Method Name as well as select the Inactive checkbox.

Delete opens a window with the Method Name and Inactive checkbox grayed out to ensure the appropriate method is being deleted. Select Delete to confirm.