Shipment to Redeposit


Grain sent from an elevator to another terminal or deposited into another approved licensed space for storage purposes is known as redeposited grain. Redeposit bushels are included in the DPR as company owned and display in the Elevator Total stocks but are not included with the In Elevator inventory.

Redeposit Shipments are handled similarly to regular Shipments to help preserve the identity of grain that was deposited in terminal storage, to identify the destinations where the redeposited grain resides, and to streamline the settlement process for the open redeposit grain.


At Grain / Operations / Shipments, a Shipment to Redeposit can be entered as a regular Shipment with the Redeposit status on the Shipment Details grid. The Shipment Details has options of ContractSpot, or Redeposit. Shipments of Redeposit grain may be edited and modified to a Contract or Spot status if required.  

When the elevator receives payment from the terminal, the original Shipments can be settled directly without rekeying the shipments. Contracts may be applied to the Redeposit shipments at the time of settlement. Any adjustments made to the Redeposit Shipments automatically update the company owned inventory by returning the adjusted units.

The Shipment Listing report contains a Redeposited area to Only display Redeposited Shipments, Include Redeposited Shipments, or Exclude Redeposited Shipments. With these options, tracking units to multiple Redeposit destinations is available. 

Note: Shipments to Redeposit are not included in the In-transit Listing or In-transit Posting at the end of the month as these are still part of inventory and are not In-Transit units.