Direct Request Blend Tickets are used when certain Products are directly requested at a specified rate or total amount. This method assumes the exact Product quantity and/or rate desired for the blend is known. Below is an example of creating a ba...
Selecting Schedules in SKY Dispatch shows jobs by Applicator with the ability to reorder and reassign jobs. Use the Viewing menu to switch between Blend and Delivery Tickets. Filter Applicators by using the Filter Applicators field. Optiona...
When processing payroll hourly, the employees are dealt with one at a time, entering the hours or gross amount of pay and then calculating deductions. Checks can optionally be printed as the payroll is processed or print a batch of checks after all ...
Set up Grower360 to display Barchart Futures Feed cash bids. A Grower360 Admin login is required. The Barchart Welcome email provides the required Barchart API key. See here for more information on Grain in SKY Admin for Grower360. Sign into SKY...
Customer Connections Designate frequently accessed Customers as favorites. Display Customer information including Address , Phone , Salesperson , Location , and more. Set the Sales person, location, and email address by user ID. Filter Cu...
Print Delivery Orders Window Navigate to Energy / Deliveries / Print Delivery Orders . Select the checkbox for tanks to have Product Delivery Orders processed. Customer, Size, Serial #, Description, Region, Route – All these items display...
This Booking utility found at Admin Utilities / Accounting works with high/low Booking prices to adjust the Booking price on unpaid Bookings as the market fluctuates. The Update Booking Price from High/Low Price utility only includes unpaid...
Last Updated: 03/04/2024
in Knowledge Base Hub Product Setup
Regulations, effective November 1, 2013 in California (San Joaquin Valley), add additional requirements and responsibilities for chemical dealers selling certain high-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) pesticides to agricultural users. Dealers must det...
Although Agvance Mapping was built to support the insertion and detection of actual device cards, data can be archived from files saved to a local machine. Below is a description of the folder structure each card manager requires. Have the location ...
Last Updated: 12/09/2022
in Knowledge Base KB General
If prior year data is moved or if it is restored into a different folder, edit the pointer that Agvance uses to locate the prior year data. Because Agvance uses the folder name as the database name, there are several naming rules that need to be fol...