Popular Articles

  1. SKY Order Fact Sheet

    Features Allows mobile staff to enter orders while on the go Access from any web browser Updates the Agvance database in real-time Functionality View a complete listing of offers, orders and deliveries Create new Orders by customer or by fi...
  2. Seed Discount Management (Early Pay Discount – Prepay)

    Seed purchasing, because of the discounts and rebates given by seed vendors, creates a challenge to maintain an accurate cost on seed until the discounts are issued.  This document is designed to establish a standard practice for the handling o...
  3. Company Owned Value does not Match Asset Account Balance

    After posting Inventory to G/L, the Inventory Asset Account was updated to a number that doesn't match the Company Owned Inventory Statement for that Department. If that happens, check the following: Agvance uses the company-owned value of ...
  4. End of Payroll Month

    The ending of the payroll month is separate from ending the fiscal month. This is to accommodate situations where the first payroll of a new month is due before the previous fiscal month is ended. After running the last payroll of the month, it is ...
  5. Power of Purchasing eLearning

    Agvance Accounting is equipped to meet the unique aspects of ag business. Purchasing challenges such as costing, additional charges, freight, and direct shipments are all easily handled in Agvance. The purpose of this eLearning is to introduce t...
  6. Dispatch Job Status

    Dispatch Job Status For companies using the Dispatch module, this utility allows viewing the status of application jobs filtered by the selected criteria. Blend Tickets may be opened and edited from this window. Set Ready allows the Dispatch Sta...
  7. Toolbar Reference - SKY Analytics

    The following are options available in the bottom toolbar when viewing a dashboard in Analytics. Undo – Reverse the most recent action in the workbook. Reverse an unlimited number of times back to the last time the workbook opened, ev...
  8. Agvance Grain Bank Shipments, Service Charges, and Reconciliation Process

    Q.  How are Grain Bank charges handled? A.  Elevator grain storage policies determine how Grain Bank Service Charges are handled. The following example demonstrates how the Grain Bank Service Charges may be set up in Agvance to charge sto...
  9. Calculating Payroll Taxes

    To calculate payroll taxes the following information is needed: Go to Accounting / Setup / Preferences / Payroll to find the deductions that are tax sheltered and from which payroll taxes they are sheltered. Check the marital status claimed f...
  10. Negative Invoice Line Items Dashboard

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on customer location. Purpose The Negative Invoice Line Items dashboard gives the ability to see credit Invoices sorted by customer. Details Filter by Invoice Date , Customer Classification Name...