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  1. Consolidated Sales Analysis Report

    The Consolidated Sales Analysis report groups sales by Department Category and Product ID to show sales across Locations. An advantage of this report is it automatically includes Products with identical Product IDs and Department Categories when onl...
  2. Opening Apply

    Apply provides applicators and drivers an optimized view of job assignments. Data is synced allowing Applicators to update their job status in real-time, start, edit, and complete Blend and Delivery Tickets, and access customer contact information f...
  3. Calculating Salt Out

    Calculating Salt Out This is an estimated temperature at which a fertilizer or a fertilizer mixture begins to form crystals and salt out from suspension. It is dependent on many factors, including the products mixed, the purity of the products mixe...
  4. Dispatch Notification Emails

    Q.  How are Job Complete notification emails setup in Agvance Dispatch? A.  Agvance Dispatch has the ability to send a notification for completed Jobs to a customer’s contacts. This email contains the JobID, Customer, Field, Date...
  5. Shipment Settlement Process

    Settle outbound Grain Shipments by check or Invoice. Navigate to Grain / Operations / Shipment Settlements and select Add .  On the Add a Shipment Settlement window, select the Location . Choose the Commodity and/or customer by double-...
  6. Inventory Workflows eLearning

    One of the best features Agvance offers is the ability to track inventory at all levels of the sales process. These tools include ordering, bringing the product into inventory, tracking customer orders, then recording the sale.   Start Cours...
  7. API Lock Process

    The following explains the API lock process and what functions are unavailable while the database is locked. When this utility is used, any updates or posts to the database via API will be blocked until the utility is unlocked. This also includes an...
  8.  Grower360 Fields

    Farms, Fields, and Field information, such as maps (if available), acreage, current weather conditions, and Field activity can be viewed from the Fields menu.       Fields can be searched and filtered using the Search fi...
  9. Mobile Energy Setup

    The Manage Mobile Energy window can be found by going to Energy / Setup / Mobile Energy . Setup Tab General IP Address – This is the IP address of the computer which holds the Agvance database. This must be an external IP Address...
  10. Grower360 Settings

    Account Settings The name displayed here is the name associated with the customer's account. Customers can edit the account name by selecting the Pencil icon, editing the name, then selecting the Check Mark to save the e...