Yargus Interface

Once the Yargus system is set up and ready to be interfaced with Agvance, additional areas need to be set up in Agvance to accomplish the interface.

Products and Product Sets need to be set up by editing a Product at Hub / File / Open / Products. Select the Inventory Department where the Products reside that need to be sent to Yargus for blending. The Product ID set up in Agvance is the cross reference that will be used in Yargus.

Note: Agvance Products must be set up with Blending Units in Lbs for this interface.

In the example below, the Product ID is Dap.

For the export to be successful, a unique Blender Factor is required to be set up for each Product that will be sent to Yargus (although, Yargus will not use this as a cross reference).

In the example below, a Blender Factor of 1 was assigned. For Potash, a Blender Factor of 2 would be assigned. Continue to assign a unique number for each Product that will be used in Yargus.

At Blending / Setup / Product Sets, edit each Product Set that will be used for formulation in Agvance Blending that will need to send information to Yargus.

On the Blender Interface / Print Preference tab, the following must be filled out:/p>

  • Blender Type – SSI Standard Ascii
  • Data Storage Path – The path where the files will be written to and read from for both Agvance and Yargus