When creating variable rate fertilizer Blend Tickets with multiple Products that will be applied individually in a single application using a multi-bin spreader, separate blend sheets may be printed to give to the plant operator to load the individual Products.
When adding the Blend Ticket, select the VRT checkbox on the General tab.
Note: When creating Blend Tickets from Agvance Mapping, the VRT checkbox defaults to checked.
Select the Products to be applied to the Field, and enter the quantities. In this scenario, Dap will be applied from Bin 1 of the spreader and a Potash/Sulfur Blend applied from Bin 2. To generate individual blend sheets for Dap and for the Potash/Sulfur Blend, the Mix Group option may be used. Enter the unique numbers in the Mix Group column for the Products that will be straight loaded and the Products that will be blended. If all Products will be loaded straight, only checking the VRT box is required.
Print the Blend Ticket. One blend sheet will be printed for Dap and one for the Potash/Sulfur Blend.
Note: When utilizing the VRT functionality, only Products with a Unit Weight print on the blend sheet. In this example, the Dry Spreading application charge will not print.