New Articles

  1. Fields

    Setting up Fields must be done from the Hub. The Field file is designed to hold the information about each grower's individual field. If a field is farmed and sampled in more than one section, it is recommended that each section be entered as a sepa...
  2. Farms

    Farms may be established to help organize a Grower’s Fields. When this relationship is in place, they may be used to filter or select a subset of Fields on some reports and transactions. Farms are required in the Mapping module. Navigate to Hub / ...
  3. Customer Setup from Hub

    Whether mapping, blending, or billing, the customer file is essential. Growers (or tenants) as well as landlords are entered into this file. The Customer ID must be a unique. Hint: When searching for a customer from the selection window, quickly ...
  4. Other Master Files

  5. Inventory Departments

    Similar inventory items are categorized or grouped (i.e., dry fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, chemicals, feed, etc.). These groups are called departments. There are options set at the department level that affect the items in that department. The Agv...
  6. Manufactured Formula

    Edit a Product at File / Open / Product and choose Manufactured Formula . Overview Standard blends that are either stockpiled or custom blended for resale should be set up with a recipe in the Manufactured Formula window. All raw mat...
  7. Regulation of Restricted Product

    Agvance has some advanced options available to help regulate distribution of restricted products. These rules are complicated by the fact that laws vary widely from state to state. There are two major types of checking that can be invoked from withi...
  8. Units of Measure Conversion

    Navigate to Hub / Setup / Unit of Measure Conversion . The Foreign Unit multiplied by the Conversion Factor equals the Agvance Unit . The Agvance Unit divided by the Conversion Factor equals the Foreign Unit . This tool can be used to c...
  9. Product Setup in the Hub

    Inventory products and services (such as custom application) are entered in the Product file. In order to group them logically, Products are stored in Departments. Examples of departments are Dry Fertilizer, Liquid Fertilizer, Chemicals, Applicati...
  10. Create or Refresh Play Data

    This function, found at Hub / Utilities / Create/Refresh Data , creates a copy of the currently logged in dataset to a different data folder on the current server or to another data server (running a version of SQL Server). Most often this function...