New Articles

  1. form-U-net Is Using the Wrong Item

    Q.  AMS (21-0-0-24S) was added to the Material Group, but why is the blend using AMS instead of Urea for the Nitrogen  source? A.  Least cost formulation is used in form-U-net when calculating items to use in fulfilling the nutrients requested...
  2. Using Efficiency Factors with form-U-net

    Q.  A chelated micronutrient claims to have a 4:1 efficiency factor. How can a per acre request for 1 lb of nutrient factor in the efficiency for the result? A.  This scenario can be handled by an adjustment to the Item Information .  Note: ...
  3. Stop Additives from Diluting Mix in form-U-net

    Q.  When an additive is used on 46% Urea, the blend shows an analysis of 45% Nitrogen. How can form-U-net be setup so the additive does not impact the fertilizer analysis? A.  In this case, adding any non-analysis item’s weight to an item that ...
  4. Install ARS Yield Editor

    The ARS Yield Editor is an application used to filter yield data and clean up yield maps. To utilize this tool, it can be downloaded and installed from the following link: ...
  5. Formulation Results in form-U-net Are Incorrect

    When running a formulation, the results are incorrect.  This may happen if the settings in Material Group / Edit Selected Material Group have been incorrectly edited. Follow the steps below to verify the settings. Edit Data Verify the Produ...
  6. Soil Sample Bar Codes

    The following describes how bar codes can be used with soil sampling as well as creating soil test bag labels. The Sampling Work Order function can be used to produce bar codes for either Sampling Bags or Soil Lab Submittal Sheets. This funct...
  7. Layer Export

    In Agvance Mapping, layers are exported in Shapefile format. A Shapefile is a universal GIS file used in many other agricultural GIS software packages. They are easily distributed to others or to SSI support personnel. This is done by right clicking...
  8. Exporting Boundary Files

    Field boundaries can be exported as Shapefiles from Agvance Mapping. This can be completed at the Grower, Farm, or Field levels in the resource tree. Right-click the desired level in the resource tree, hover over Export , then select Export S...
  9. Incorrect Blend Results in form-U-net

    Q.  When requesting a liquid blend in form-U-net, the products and quantities reported in the Mix Results grid do not calculate to the grade requested. In addition, the Formulation Results show a dollar quantity in the  Other category that s...
  10. Seed Blending with form-U-net

    Q.  Can form-U-net be setup to blend seed or other non-fertilizer items? A.  Seed blending can be completed using custom columns in a Material Group. For example, a lawn and garden supplier wants to create different seed blends using bluegrass,...