New Articles

  1. Updating Chemical Database Products

    Chemical Database Product information can be easily updated in Agvance manually or by using the Agvance Agent tool. This utility incorporates the Save Sets / Load Sets functionality found on several reports in Agvance. Note: Agvance Agent can o...
  2. Logo Setup on Mapping Reports

    Logos can be set up to print on Mapping reports by navigating to Mapping / SSI / Mapping Preferences and choosing Select Logo . The Select Logo window displays. Designate the level at which the logo should appear from th...
  3. Planning - Lime Recs Setting Tons to Pounds for Variable Rate

    When generating Lime Recommendations in Agvance Planning, the results are saved as tons per acre. Some controllers for Variable Rate Application require lime to be applied in pounds. To create an export from Agvance Mapping with the correct units, u...
  4. Create Gridded_TR and Gridded_REC Layers in Mapping

    There are two ways to create the foundation Grid Layer. This may be set up manually, or use the SSI / Create SSI Grids menu item to automatically create this layer if no special setup is required. To set up this layer manually, right-click on the...
  5. Print Translucent Crop Zone Maps

    In Agvance Mapping, select a Field to display, then go to File / Print / Report Books . In the Report Books window, highlight the New Report Book heading, and then select the Open icon. In the Report Book Configuration window, select t...
  6. Customer/Field Not Displaying in Mapping

    In Agvance Mapping, Customers and Fields do not display unless they are linked to a Farm in the Hub. To link a Customer or Field to a Farm, edit the Customer or Field, and select a Farm by double-clicking in the textbox. Save this change and the Cu...
  7. Field Op Folder Structure

    Although Agvance Mapping was built to support the insertion and detection of actual device cards, data can be archived from files saved to a local machine. Below is a description of the folder structure each card manager requires. Have the location ...
  8. Combo Blend Order Utility

    Combine multiple Blend Tickets with the same Products, Rate/Acre, Crop Codes, Lot Numbers, and Ship From Locations into one Blend order. Batches can then be created depending on the truck’s capacities, then the actual amount of Product loaded in the...
  9. Inbound Process for EDNs

    EDNs may be received in SKY Warehouse and then processed in Agvance. Warehouse Select Inbound .  Search for and select the appropriate vendor.  Choose Create New Bill of Lading .  On the Vendor tab, enter any necessary information.  On th...
  10. Warehouse Fact Sheet

    Agvance Warehouse uses mobile technology to manage inventory efficiently and accurately in agronomy warehouses and agricultural retail stores.