Heating Degree Days FAQs

Heating Degree Days are located at Energy / Setup / Heating Degree Days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What is a Heating Degree Day?

A.  65 – ((Daily Low Temp + Daily High Temp) / 2)

Q.  Do I enter the daily degree day or the cumulative total?

A.  Daily degree days are used and cumulative totals are calculated between fills.

Q.  Where do I get the daily degree days?

A.  A good place to look is the website for a local news channel. Another option is https://www.degreedays.net/. Otherwise, it can be calculated manually.

Q.  How much history do I need to keep?

A.  Keep at least a year prior to heating season. Go back far enough to cover the last fill for any scheduled delivery tank. Up to 1000 days can be stored.

Q.  What do I do when I run out of space?

A.  Highlight Row 1 and drag down to highlight about a year’s worth of entries. Press the Delete key then select Save.