Updated Articles

  1. User Login Setup

    Additional security options are available at Hub / Setup / Users by selecting Options and/or Location Restrictions . The optional Agvance user security found by selecting Options serves to control access to data. Access to the User area of th...
  2. Company Information

    The Company Information screen at Hub / Setup / Company is used for report headings to identify the company. This password-protected area is set up based on the company information supplied on the software order form. If for any reason it needs ...
  3. Item Groups

    A method of adding additional routine charges to an Invoice is to establish groups of extra charges associated with the sale of particular products. This feature was originally designed for motor fuel taxes where several taxes might be applicable on...
  4. Inventory Departments

    Similar inventory items are categorized or grouped (i.e., dry fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, chemicals, feed, etc.). These groups are called departments. There are options set at the department level that affect the items in that department. The Agv...
  5. Soil Type

    Optionally create a database of regional soil types indicating their characteristics at Hub / Setup / Soil Types . At a minimum, enter the name of the soil type which is then available for selection at the Field Profile window. The soil character...
  6. Crop Maintenance

    Enter the crop information at the following screen. If using the nutrient recommendation section of the Agvance Planning module, enter the nutrient information. Otherwise, only the Crop Name and Units are necessary. Crop Name – Ente...
  7. Units of Measure Conversion

    Navigate to Hub / Setup / Unit of Measure Conversion . The Foreign Unit multiplied by the Conversion Factor equals the Agvance Unit . The Agvance Unit divided by the Conversion Factor equals the Foreign Unit . This tool can be used to c...
  8. Unmark Tickets as Transferred

    At Utilities / Unmark Tickets as Transferred , select Scale Tickets to be unmarked that were previously marked as being transferred but did not get transferred to the Agvance Grain module or from a stand-alone scale computer. Transferred Tick...
  9. Grain Pits

    Pit ID – Enter an ID for the Grain Pit. There is a 15-character limit to this ID. Description – Enter a description for the Grain Pit. The description is limited to 255 characters. Location – Select the Location for the...
  10. Review and Transfer Scale Tickets

    This utility Grain Scale Interface / Operations / Review and Transfer Scale Tickets was designed to be able to review, update, and transfer Scale Tickets to the Grain module. Scale Tickets with the following statuses display: Not Posted , Not In...