Grower360 Products - SKY Admin

Setup and preferences for Product reorder requests in Grower360 can be found by selecting Setup on the Products card in SKY Admin.

Once the below areas are populated appropriately, choose Save.

Reorder Requests

To allow Grower360 users to request a reorder for Products, turn on the Reorder Requests toggle.

An area below is available to add applicable terms and will display to the Grower in Grower360 upon submitting a request.

Once this area is enabled and saved, a Requested Orders menu option will be available in Grower360.

Pickup Products

To allow Grower360 users to pick up Products, turn on the Pickup Products toggle.

Enter the Pickup Address. Select + Additional Pickup Address to add another line to enter another Pickup Address.

Canceling Requests

Optionally allow Grower360 users to cancel a request after it has been Requested and/or after it has been Approved by turning on the applicable toggles.