Updated Articles

  1. Fields

    Setting up Fields must be done from the Hub. The Field file is designed to hold the information about each grower's individual field. If a field is farmed and sampled in more than one section, it is recommended that each section be entered as a ...
  2.  Printing Blend Documents

    There are many options for printing documents from an Agvance Blend Ticket. These documents include a variety of information needed in the process of delivery or application per blend ranging from information to load trucks to application of the pro...
  3. Farms

    Farms may be established to help organize a Grower’s Fields. When this relationship is in place, they may be used to filter or select a subset of Fields on some reports and transactions. Farms are required in the Mapping module. Navigate to ...
  4. Sales Allocations

    The Alternate Product ID is available at the Select a Sales Allocation window at Hub / Setup / Sales Allocations . This area is optionally used to allocate product at a specific price for use on Sales Orders. Allocations interact with Sales...
  5. Geocode Agvance Data

    This utility at Hub / Setup / Geocode Agvance Data gives the ability to geocode customer addresses, ship to addresses, locations, fields, and tanks. The latitude and longitude may be viewed along with a map. Type – Select the drop-down ...
  6. Credit Statuses

    There are five pre-defined statuses at Hub / Setup / Credit Statuses that may be assigned to customers: Excellent , Good , Fair , Poor , and Hold . Add, edit, or delete additional Credit Statuses on this window. The Hold status requires a ...
  7. Grower360 Delivery Tickets

    In order to display Delivery Tickets in Grower360, first navigate to the Grower360 menu option in SKY Admin. Select Setup on the Divisions card then turn on the Delivery Tickets toggle. In Grower360, Delivery Tickets will be displayed with ...
  8. Mapping Preferences - Hub

    This area at Hub / Setup / Mapping Preferences allows non-Mapping users to set preferences for options related to viewing maps outside of Mapping. Background Road Folder – Use the Browse icon to choose which folder is the background...
  9. Vehicles

    Optionally enter vehicles to be entered on various jobs throughout the program. ID – Enter up to 10 characters to uniquely identify each Vehicle. Vehicle Type – Selecting the Arrow displays the various types used in the past ...
  10. Applicators

    Used to maintain information about custom applicators, this area at Hub / Setup / Applicators is optional but gives the ability to indicate the driver on a particular job. Reports may be run on applicators listing those whose selected dates have ...