Promoting Grower360

Several customers who have been successful in getting their customers coming back consistently to Grower360 were interviewed and asked how they got their customers excited about using the portal. Over the course of these conversations there were several common threads reported by the successful companies.

  • Communicate with farmers about Grower360 ahead of sending out a welcome email. Let the grower know there is a change coming or a new portal is going to be available before releasing it or signing them up. Letting them in on the plan and giving them tips and tricks for a successful first visit is beneficial to getting the first impression of Grower to be a positive one.
  • Provide information via statement stuffers, envelope stickers with QR codes to links of short videos, or a website with FAQs. Giving information to the grower about the change via their monthly statement or other regular mailings is a great way to let them review the information at their leisure. A great way to introduce the portal is adding a QR code that redirects to a short 1 -2 minute video that features the highlights of what Grower360 is.
  • Use social media. If your company is active in social media having, short Did You Know? videos available to showcase the hottest features of Grower360 can create interest in your users to want the app and try it for themselves.
  • Remind users of the benefits. One company mentioned their growers thought Statements are hard to follow, but Grower360 gives access to see the unpaid invoices in a more straightforward way and makes it easier to understand balance details. Paying online is also convenient for the customer. They no longer have to write out a check or put a payment in the mail. Simply pull up the portal and pay with a saved payment method.
  • Incorporate employee training. Familiarizing employees with the portal before customers have access is very beneficial. The more employees who know what it is and how to use it the better. If customers know they can ask any employee about the Portal and get a straight answer about how something works, they are going to have more confidence in the product as well.
  • Start with a small group of users you are in close communication with and who have some influence (BOD, CEO, VIP users). Starting with a small group of influential customers works because they feel good being invited to be the first one to use this product and, as they see the benefits, they will likely talk to others and help spread the word.
  • Sign up all new customers automatically. Every company interviewed has the practice of requiring an email on the credit application and signing up new customers as soon as their account is created.
  • A few other ways companies got their portal up and off the ground include:
    • GM buy in – When it matters to the top dog, it will matter to everyone.
    • Phone Blitz – Call customers and ask them if they use it. If not, ask how they can help them get signed up.
    • Promote – Actively promote and engage for 12 months about the portal