Definable Profit and Loss Report

This report is found in Accounting / Reports / General Ledger / Financial Reports / Definable Profit and Loss. The report allows the option to define a customized profit and loss statement. The report may be run as of any fiscal month, with or without detail. The report may also be run showing percentages or quantities.

The first step in defining the report is to select Setup. This window allows for the report to be named and the selection of the income and expense accounts. To display quantities, select the Qty options.

Once the income and expense accounts have been selected, choose Done. Highlight the name of the setup(s) to run on the report screen and select OK. The following example shows the Definable Profit and Loss report run with the Percent option and with detail:

The following example shows the Definable Profit and Lpss report run with the Quantities option, without detail: