Definable Gross Margin Report

The Definable Gross Margin Report is found in Accounting / Reports / General Ledger / Financial Reports and can be run three different ways. The options include Current Year OnlyCompare to Budget, or Compare to Last Year. The report criteria also include a fiscal month range and Profit Center selection.

To run this report, a format must be set up. Multiple formats may be set up to accommodate various reporting needs. To do so, select Setup Formats.

The Setup Gross Margin Formats window displays. Enter a Format Name for the format being created. In the Incomes grid, double-click in the Account ID field to choose the income accounts for the Inventory Departments to display on the report. Select the corresponding expense accounts in the Expenses grid.

The Category and Subcategory are definable and can be set up by double-clicking in the Category column heading.  In the Select Category window, enter the name of the Category and select Add to List. This will then be available to choose from the drop-down in the Setup Format window. The Subcategory works the same way and both are used to help sort the report.

The following are examples of the report printout. The report can be for as many categories and subcategories needed.